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New issue on win 7 pro computers with EN desktop

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I am still running windows 7 pro and have not had any problems with EN desktop (on two computers). However, today I tried to upgrade to the latest version and I received an error "the procedure entry point GetPackageFamilyName could not be located in the dynamic link library KERNEL32.dll". I was able to locate EN v10.46.7-win ddl-public (3701) and this seems to work fine.  I submitted a ticket to support.  Just wondering if anyone else has encountered this?  There are certain computers that I need to have win 7 pro on for various reasons and I'm always afraid that eventually these won't support the latest versions of EN.  So far, it's been OK.

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  • Level 5

This may be the reason. In general EN v10 had from the 1st day the system requirement of Windows 10. Anybody using it with Win7 was living on borrowed time.

Beside this, it is absolutely unsafe to use ANY computer with Win 7 on a PC connected to the internet. Only visiting a web site with a malware injector can lead to a full system infection. This is not visible to the user, until it's too late. And forget that snake oil called "Antivirus" when fighting modern trojans. On the other hand, by concept a computer running EN must be connected. This is mutually exclusive.

Who needs Win 7 ("need" is a wide perception, from that old game you love to a machine control not able to run on a later version) should install Windows 10 (will run on the same PC, but support end is dawning) or Windows 11 (no computer on Win 7 can officially run Win11). Then install a Virtual Machine Manager, and run Win 7 inside.

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