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Missing Plug-In issue

Go to solution Solved by agsteele,

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I'm sure this question has come in many times but I am very concerned/frustrated at being unable to view my pptx and pdf notes within evernote. "Missing Plug-In". This affects MANY notes that I access frequently and, if not fixed soon, I will leave Evernote. Hopefully a solution is imminent? 

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  • Evernote Expert

There has never been a PPTX file viewer in Evernote. It isn't something to fix. You can suggest it to Evernote via a support ticket.

PDF have always been viewable on the desktop versions of Evernote. If this isn't the case for you check the settings for Notes the your settings for PDFs is correctly set.


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  • Level 5

There never was a ppt(x) viewer.

About the missing plug-in for PDFs: This is a sign that you likely use the deprecated legacy client on a Mac with MacOS Ventura. The plug-in was removed by the OS update.

Switch to the new v10 clients.

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  • Level 5

Version 7.14 Mac  is deprecated since October 2020.

You can download the new client from the EN website. It will detect the older installation and transition everything.

Hint: Local notebooks are not supported in the new version. If you have notebooks not synced to the server, make a backup first.

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  • Evernote Expert
  • Solution

The new software still supports Free accounts and will display PDFs if you make the correct choice in settings. The default PDF view only affects new notes. The view for PDFs in old notes can be selected as required.

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  • 3 months later...

Thanks for your helpful input agsteel. 

How do I adjust settings to display PDFs?

I am a fully paid up subscriber and want to use the legacy version (dates corrupting on V10). On my laptop there seems no problem but my desktop (both Mac) I get the error message "missing plug-in"

Getting pretty frustrated with the instability of EN right now. 


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  • Level 5

This is no instability of EN.

MacOS has removed the plugin from the OS. Legacy is deprecated, when the OS does not provide a needed assist, the app will not function any more, at least loosing this feature.

Install v10, or live with the deficit,

We think that this question will be obsolete soon anyhow. We expect legacy to stop syncing any time soon, when everything is switched over to RTE syncing.

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Thanks for your response. 

A block of my notes (50-60) continually resets its Created date to today . Also notes that I have deleted (both on Web version and Local) reappear, with today's creation date. 

Finally, I need to import and catalogue a block of documents from 1980-1995. The current version will not allow this timeline to be created. The legacy version does. 

Why does one device running Ventura work ok and the other says missing plug-in?

Perhaps my terminology was incorrect but the time-line on my notes has certainly corrupted whilst it appears that notes from pre 2015 cannot be date-stamped with a new Creation and update date. 


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..but re-reading your post, and I am sure you didn't mean to, but you come across as rather dismissive and condescending. 

I am just a subscriber, trying to get EN to do what it was always rather good at doing in the past. 


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  • 4 weeks later...
On 8/31/2023 at 12:12 PM, PinkElephant said:

And I am just another user, telling what is. No time for chichi …

If you want the (presumably) same answer, but nicely wrapped, ask support.


PinkElephant , EN have agreed that there is an instability. EN has now generated around 700 duplicates. 

Their support team have been working on it for a week. 

Your inclination to use "We Think" infers that you are in some way part of the EN team. 

I dont want to appear rude but your post on this is Incorrect, you inferred involvement misleading and your tone condescending. This forum is meant to be a help resource to other users. You clearly missed that memo. 

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  • Level 5

You say you want to use the legacy version. Your free decision, nobody is forcing you to do it.

Fine with me, carry the consequences of insisting on software that is depreciated for 3 years now.

I wonder why support tries something to help you anyhow - usually they simply tell to install the latest release. But ok, if the have resources to burn …

If you like or not what I tell I don’t care. You know I am a user (if you didn’t knew, I told you so), not related to EN than by using it - and obviously more successful in doing so, because you post problems, and I usually post solutions.

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  • 4 months later...

Update to Missing Plugin for me as well.


Apple M Series Macs - Shows Blocked Plugin - I'll try to see if I can find a work around. In the meantime, Im also running my old iMac 2011

Im using both Evernote as there are still functions which works well and reminders bugs which haven't been fixed by Bending Spoon.



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