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Can't create new notes on Pixel 6a, Android 13

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Hi Folks,

I'm a long time (paying) Evernote user (since 2009), and have used Evernote on Android phones since then, including Pixel 4. I recently got a Pixel 6a. I can see my old notes but can't seem to create a new one: note, image, camera.

I can't edit a new text note.

I can edit a sketch but it doesn't save, the save never completes.

I can take a photo, but the save never completes.

The Evernote app seems to have the permissions it needs, but I can't figure this out.

I'll happily accept suggestions/questions - this is driving me nuts. 

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  • Evernote Expert

You should certainly check the app permissions in the Android OS.

How did you install the Evernote app? If you used the ability to transfer everything from your old phone to the new then I would recommend you uninstall the app and then reinstall from the Play Store.

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Yes, I've checked and re-checked the permissions, but I can't spot anything amiss.

I installed fresh from the app store. I'll try uninstalling and re-installing, but I don't hold out much hope.

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Uninstall/Reinstall didn't help.

Saving a note just gives me black screen with the twirling circle in the middle, forever, or until I force stop it after fifteen minutes of hoping against hope it'll finally complete.. 

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Seemingly it's a known issue, and is being worked on.

From the support chat:



Based on my resources, our team is currently aware of the issue you are encountering from the application.

Our development team is currently working diligently to fix it as quickly as possible and hopes it will be resolved in the near future.



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I'm having the same problem with my Samsung Galaxy S21.  I submitted a support request but so far all I can get is that they are working on the problems.

I even reset my phone back to factory default and then downloaded Evernote from the Google play store and downloaded all my notes, which took several hours.  I made certain that i had the most recent version of the Android/Samsung operating system as well as the most recent download of Evernote.  Yet all of the same problems still occurred.  Does anyone have any suggestions that I haven't tried?  Paid member since 2009.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I write this review on 10th July 2023. Since 4th July 2023 (when I started using Evernote on my new smartphone: OnePlus Nord 2T 5G) I have the same problem: I cannot create notes in my Android version 13 but I can change the already-existing ones. It is quite frustrating because every single time I have an idea or I need to record something I cannot do it. I press to create and the note is blank (as you can see on my attached photo), no chance to write, to edit, etc. This problem is not happening on my other smartphone (Moto G6 Plus) where I logged in or my iPad (7th Generation).


Since I started on Evernote (2014 year) it is the first time I have this problem: a bug to create notes, therefore no chance to write new ones.


Awaiting a solution as soon as possible from developers.

Evernote blank.jpeg

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I've been having the same problems and more. I can't make a text note or camera note: when I try EN produces an empty screen with the endless circling icon. Also, if I want to add an additional tag to an existing note, through an Android device, it doesnt' allow you to add the new tag.

WORK AROUND THAT MAY HELP YOU:  You can use Email  and your send to EN email to send articles, pictures or notes to your EN. For some reason this still works in EV for Android.   

I've put in a support ticket. Get periodic late responses. They also say that EN is aware of the problem and is working hard to fix it quick. That was 2 months ago. Support told me I might have an old version of Android. I'm using v. 13 on both my phone and android tablet. Both have the same problems. Support told me to download the newest version of EN from the Android play store. I tried. Play Store says I have the most current version.

I've been a loyal and daily user of EN for about 13 years. I pay for a professional subscription.

I don't know what the root of the problems seem to be. But in 2023 this app has been having multiple problems I've never experienced before. I have invested untold hours inputting 880 or more notes of work, hobbies, interests, pictures, articles to read, and many other items into my EN.

This is a sad situation! It's frustrating and getting worse instead of better with Bending Spoons. They seem have purchased a wonderful, helpful, fully functional app that thousands of customers have relied and invested their time in, but now are "bending" it into an unusable app.

It been too long ago for me to remember, but didn't EN start as an Android app that later added an iOS version and a Windows version. What a shame.


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  • Evernote Expert
41 minutes ago, gary.s.craw said:

It been too long ago for me to remember, but didn't EN start as an Android app that later added an iOS version and a Windows version. What a shame.

No. It started as a Windows application. The Mac world came along next and rather took over. Android was late to the party...

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  • 3 months later...

Same problem. On Samsung Galaxy 23

I emailed Evernote support about it. It took a few days to even get a reply.

"Thanks a lot for your feedback, we’ve passed it on to our developers for further investigation.
We'll make sure to get back to you once we have an update. "


A workaround I'm currently using: On my PC, I create a bunch of new (empty) notes. Then I can add information to them from my phone.

Unfortunately, this problem (not being able to create a new note on my phone) is preventing me from doing any web clipping, or "sharing" files to Evernote.

Such a drag!!!

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AJ - Thanks for all your efforts to help.  I have not yet found a working solution for this problem as yet. I, too, opened a support ticket, and have received the same form email responses from evernote saying "we know about the problem . . .  we are working on it."  But I don't see any progress in correcting this fundamental  defect in a Note making App.

It seems there are a lot of us suffering from Evernote's delay/failure to fix this fundamental defect.

Do you have any ideas about what we can do to get Evernote to fix this problem?   


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  • 3 weeks later...

I am also experiencing this problem on my Pixel 7a.   Logged out, uninstalled, rebooted, reinstall..... Rinse and repeat.

A paying user since 2009 with thousands of notes.   Bases upon this thread and  ENs lack of promptly addressing MAJOR problem I am now looking to export and transfer my notes.   

Very very frustrating and unnecessary.  

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hace 13 horas, JimH70 dijo:

I am also experiencing this problem on my Pixel 7a.   Logged out, uninstalled, rebooted, reinstall..... Rinse and repeat.

A paying user since 2009 with thousands of notes.   Bases upon this thread and  ENs lack of promptly addressing MAJOR problem I am now looking to export and transfer my notes.   

Very very frustrating and unnecessary.  

Hello Jim.


Thanks for sharing your experience.

As I am not a native English speaker, I need to ask: what does ENs mean?

Have a good day.

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  • 1 month later...
On 12/1/2023 at 4:42 PM, Paddy Paddy said:

A workaround I'm currently using: On my PC, I create a bunch of new (empty) notes. Then I can add information to them from my phone.

While the irritation level has been through the roof - every time I try to add a note in the Android App I have forgotten it doesn't work - this workaround puts the issue to bed until Evernote get it resolved. A long way from perfect but a completely workable solution. I have tagged the empty notes so I can readily find them.


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  • 2 months later...

I have the exact same problem on my phone and tablet both with Android 13.

My phone is a Verizon LG V60. I've tried everything and still can't make a new note or camera note or add a Tag to a note on my Android devices.

All those functionalities work fine in EN on my windows desktop

This has been going on for about a year? 

Any ideas or solution would be greatly appreciated at this point.

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Sync your notes.

Clear everything in App Settings for Evernote.

Uninstall Evernote. Reinstall Evernote.

Login & let notes sync.

Change your default folder.

This, or something very close, should fix the issue. 



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  • 4 weeks later...


     THANK YOU so much for posting this solution. It worked for me. I don't understand why. But it solved a daily, frustrating problem that's been persisting for more than a year. Many, many thanks! 

Gary Craw 

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On 4/27/2024 at 11:13 AM, Chia-Kai Liang said:

Hey guys,

I just found the solution in the other discussion. Just change the default notebook on the desktop version Evernote. Then you can create a new note on Android Evernote. You may change back to the original notebook. It worked for me. 

Worked for me - thanks.

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