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Content of notes is disappearing

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34 minutes ago, NotePilot1969 said:

My sides 😂  The irony coming from somebody that has over 5000 posts on a support forum for the app.  

The app started sucking when it was 1/3 the price.  I can't imagine how people justify the price hikes for this garbage.  

If you hate the app, and seem to not use the app, why on earth are you here posting this kinda stuff? Use what works for you, but don’t be a grown adult trolling others because they prefer something else. Come on. 

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39 minutes ago, NotePilot1969 said:
50 minutes ago, Dave-in-Decatur said:

Evernote has gotten better. 

My sides 😂  The irony coming from somebody that has over 5000 posts on a support forum for the app.  

The app started sucking when it was 1/3 the price.  I can't imagine how people justify the price hikes for this garbage.  


2 minutes ago, NotePilot1969 said:

Well let's be honest that was an outright lie.  Don't say "it's gotten better" when EN has had probably the worst year of issues since launch. 

I wasn't going to bother citing the ways in which Evernote has improved just this year, let alone since the transformation from v. 6 to v. 10, since clearly facts are not the point here, only one person's opinion, with which no one dare disagree. But since you're actually calling me a liar, here's a short list:

  1. In v. 10 compared with prior versions:
    1. A consistent interface across platforms.
    2. The Home page.
    3. Tasks.
    4. Connection to Google Calendar.
    5. Headings.
    6. Better highlighting.
    7. Better checklists.
    8. Backlinks.
    9. Easier insertion of links to other notes.
    10. Filters.
    11. Improved search.
  2. Just this year:
    1. Real Time Editing with new sync structure.
    2. AI cleanup of notes.

@NotePilot1969your experience is that Evernote sucks, and I am not doubting that that's real. But wonderful and special as you may be, you don't get to overrule other people's experiences just by saying so. You sure don't get to call people liars because you disagree with them.

One other thing: the existence of an active support forum doesn't prove there's something fundamentally wrong with a piece of software. The purpose of the forum is to answer questions for other users, point out problems when they occur, and maybe offer creative usage suggestions. Oh yeah, and to troll; mustn't leave out the trolling. Every piece of significant software these days has a support forum, probably including whatever note-taking app you've moved on to--which is what, by the way?

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30 minutes ago, NotePilot1969 said:

Well let's be honest that was an outright lie.  Don't say "it's gotten better" when EN has had probably the worst year of issues since launch. 

You need to get a hobby lol. 

My experience differs vastly -
Evernote is faster 
Tasks now work
RTE is stable 
for the first time in 10 sync works consistently for me - no data loss 

Those are some of the experiences I’m having. 

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You called out nothing. The point in answering was that someone might come along here sometime and think your opinion was factual. Evidence to the contrary was for the benefit of innocent passersby. Since you are fact-proof, I was aiming over your head.

Ecch. Go ahead, have the last word. Try and impress someone with it. 😄

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4 hours ago, NotePilot1969 said:

If they’re on this forum, they’re already experiencing issues. I don’t need to convince them. I guess you forgot where you were for a minute. 

Blah blah blah…

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19 hours ago, mchamberlin said:

So, it seems as if there is no resolution?

Hi.  What's your device, OS and Evernote version?  Have you been in touch with Support?  If so,  what has been their reaction so far?

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I just started using evernote again. I put 3 days worth of training in 1 note and just seem to have lost 2 days of content. all the info in the learning support guideline is not working as the history view only shows content from the first day. How can I get the content back?

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16 hours ago, NotePilot1969 said:

Wow so some of their self inflicted wounds are finally being resolved?  What a breakthrough!  App of the year for sure. 

Dude - grow up. I’m assuming you an adult and if so your behaviour here is embarrassing. If for some reason you felt you needed attention from users of a notes app, I hope we scratched that itch. Either way - move on! It will be better for you, more productive than behaving like an agnsty teenager. 

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2 minutes ago, NotePilot1969 said:

Go ahead quote me again. I know you truly “want me to move on.” 

I’ll give you this - your entertaining, it’s bizarre, as I assume your an adult but the enraged shake your fist and rant at everyone…cause notes app Argh….does have some amusement value. 

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8 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

I am always wondering whether feeding this troll is worth the effort, because he is all the time inventing new funny things to tell.

But he’s loosing steam, recently, only repeating old stuff. 

Haha yeah, it’s entertaining - apparently I’m projecting because he is clearly not enraged but the bastion of calm. 

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I was (almost) enjoying the exchanges for a while - it's a bit like having an excitable puppy around yapping and making messes while the grown-ups carry on with business as usual,  tidying up as they go. 

But it is beyond rude to hijack a forum in this way - actual users will have to wade their way through all this drivel to find any actual information we can provide,  and a dozen people who are normally helping others have been engaged in a schoolyard discussion by someone who clearly is a full-time troll simply making mischief.  The fact that a dozen or more individuals think these posts are innapropriate apparently doesn't matter to the troll.

So.  The next dumb post I see will get deleted.  I would invite anyone (apart from the troll) to DM me if they see content they dislike.  I believe (although I haven't ever used it - yet) that I can nuke someone's account completely.

Dear @NotePilot1969 - we get that you are unhappy with Evernote and would dearly like everyone to move to another provider;  but unless you have something helpful or useful to say,  please do not post in the Forums again.


EDIT: PS I reported myself so the Admins are aware...

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Just to add to the pile: I just noticed that that the changes I made to a note yesterday - a todo list with tasks for an important project - are now gone. Several tasks that I'm very sure I added have disappeared, and several tasks that I'm very sure I marked as "completed" are back to "open". I just updated ER before doing any work yesterday. I'm really pissed right now - I'm on a very strict deadline so I really can't have this. Filed a support ticket.

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9 hours ago, Rense said:

Just to add to the pile: I just noticed that that the changes I made to a note yesterday - a todo list with tasks for an important project - are now gone. Several tasks that I'm very sure I added have disappeared, and several tasks that I'm very sure I marked as "completed" are back to "open". I just updated ER before doing any work yesterday. I'm really pissed right now - I'm on a very strict deadline so I really can't have this. Filed a support ticket.

Ugh. Support is the way to go. I wonder if using the Web client (https://www.evernote.com/client/web) might be more reliable. (I have no actual idea, just a thought.)

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3 minutes ago, Dave-in-Decatur said:

Ugh. Support is the way to go. I wonder if using the Web client (https://www.evernote.com/client/web) might be more reliable. (I have no actual idea, just a thought.)

So far I have discovered that the web client seems to be the only reliable way to ensure that changes actually become part of Evernote. I have noticed no improvement on the desktop since updating to 10.60.4.

I added this to my support ticket; no real response yet. 

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On 8/17/2023 at 5:54 AM, gazumped said:

Hi.  What's your device, OS and Evernote version?  Have you been in touch with Support?  If so,  what has been their reaction so far?

Evernote iOS version is 10.52.2.  Desktop version is 147.0.18080. Support sent one email, but it was the typical "restart your computer" stuff. I assumed that if this issue was happening to me, then it was clearly happening to others, which it obviously is. I am also hopeful that there will be an update that rectifies things because right now, EN is utterly useless to me. I can't enter a bunch of notes, and then have them vaporize. I am remaining patient, but it's shame we are where we are. Hoping for a quick resolution.

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On 5/12/2023 at 7:29 PM, loriewa said:

Is anyone else experiencing almost instant loss of data in notes? I have had this issue for a few days: I create or edit a note, move on to the next note that needs editing and when I return to the previous, most of the information I had entered is simply gone. There were two notes that I retyped three times before creating new note with a slightly different names and deleting the original notes. This is extremely annoying!

The notes had not been in existence long enough to have a history, apparently, since the history returns only the mutilated version. Is there a way to do a hard "save" as soon as a note is completed so that I don't have to recreate it several times?

Or better yet, a way to fix this annoying bug?

Windows 10
Evernote 10.56.9


On 8/17/2023 at 5:54 AM, gazumped said:

Hi.  What's your device, OS and Evernote version?  Have you been in touch with Support?  If so,  what has been their reaction so far?


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There are so many reports that clearly something is going on,  but so far (touch wood) it hasn't affected me.  I can only bang the usual drum that if you have a data loss,  you should contact Support with full details so they can truly see how big a problem this is,  and gather some activity logs so they can work out the cause.  Some of the 'losses' I've seen are clearly user / browser / network errors - but even the ones outside Evernote's actual control might suggest ways to help users avoid them.

Subscribers can raise support queries here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new and all users here - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps - feedback options are available too feedback@evernote.com


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Bummer. Just lost some data -- probably 30 minutes worth of work. First time in a few weeks since it happened last (that I know of anyway). No note history for it -- it never saved a snapshot. Mac Desktop version is 10.64.4. (I see later this thread is for Windows, but same core issue...) This is a clean install too after using AppCleaner.

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2 minutes ago, Boot17 said:

Just lost some data

Any idea if there are common factors with previous times?  Long sessions / lots of changes,  or long sessions but mainly viewing or lots of short new notes? It's odd that anything just 'disappears' - it should be recoverable from somewhere...

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It was a new note that I just started with earlier today. A pretty small note, probably less than 600 words total with several screenshots and URL links. I'm pretty sure I had it popped out in a new window. I know it's been reported above that this happened specifically not in a new window, but generally that's when the problem has happened with me.

An earlier/related post and comment from a couple of months ago: 



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4 hours ago, Boot17 said:

Just lost some data

Well that’s disappointing to hear.  I’ve had no (knocking on a lot of wood) problems since updating to 10.60.  I was hoping we were past that.

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I have also lost large amounts of text I entered in notes... very frustrating and a core functionality issue.  I suddenly discover that the text that I've SEEN myself adding is gone and the note is truncated to a version from up to an hour ago, while the app says I'm being continuously synced.  I'm very disturbed by this... am a paid professional subscriber and have used Evernote for more than ten years, but never had any problems like this before.  This issue must be addressed or I doubt I'll renew.

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If there a is a bug reported for this issue, can someone post a link to it, so other users can confirm it ? I've browsed ton of messages on this thread but no link (apparently) to a bug report.

Using 10.60.4 and also experiencing this - highly annoying & frustrating bug on the most very basic of requirements, ie. save/record whatever user writes down in a note!


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So it seems there's no such thing as viewing bug reports (well, this ain't open source software so .. I guess it's OK, but it was my expectation to find something like this)

Instead you submit support requests - which is ridiculous (ok, not ridiculous, it's a choice) but very much redundant... an open way for users to check reports and confirm, add to it woud be immho much better...

Edited by Shak
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5 hours ago, Shak said:

so other users can confirm it

Hi.  I'm not sure that many users would bother to confirm something that didn't affect them directly,  and it seems perfectly feasible for Evernote Support to collect stats on what sorts of issues are being reported so they can assign priorities and maybe make some design changes to reduce common mistakes. 

Anyway - that's the way we roll around here;  any queries,  raise 'em in the Forums for us other users to 'help' (for wildly varying values of the word...) or if something is genuinely not working for you,  raise a ticket.  

Your ticket and the status appear here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/ 


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20 hours ago, gazumped said:

Hi.  I'm not sure that many users would bother to confirm something that didn't affect them directly

Oh, of course! when I mentioned "so users can confirm"... I meant "affected users" not just any user.

I mean having a BUG ID (or URL to it) present in user forums, so that affected users could go and check details, work-arounds, required diagnostics info, etc etc - could make the process much easier. Add more context info, confirm behaviour, etc

And I write this merely as a suggestion... no reason potential innovations can't be considered no ?



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On 8/27/2023 at 2:54 PM, Mark Jensen said:

I have also lost large amounts of text I entered in notes... very frustrating and a core functionality issue.  I suddenly discover that the text that I've SEEN myself adding is gone and the note is truncated to a version from up to an hour ago, while the app says I'm being continuously synced.  I'm very disturbed by this... am a paid professional subscriber and have used Evernote for more than ten years, but never had any problems like this before.  This issue must be addressed or I doubt I'll renew.

Ditto in all respects.  EN-WIN 10.60.4, Win11Pro. No meaningful response from tech support to prior report, have filed update with logs, no response.  At all times "all changes saved" displayed - but it's clear the notes' updates fail to register.  Location Vancouver BC.  Database large ~35K notes.  For some reason this issue affects a minority of users - wondering if it boils down to multiple servers, one of which is "bad".  Workaround for now:  trying to save only MSWord attachments, they don't seem to get clipped.  Ludicrous but limps me through the day.  Flight to Notion - fail, Notion import can't handle the database, imports <1%.  

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@Schooner At the very least update to the current release version of the desktop app. You can grab it immediately from evernote.com

I'd probably fully uninstall with Revo Uninstaller but certainly sign out and remove your data from the device before installing the update.  When you log back in the data will be rebuilt from the server giving something like a clean re-start.

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On 9/4/2023 at 10:15 AM, agsteele said:

@Schooner At the very least update to the current release version of the desktop app. You can grab it immediately from evernote.com

I'd probably fully uninstall with Revo Uninstaller but certainly sign out and remove your data from the device before installing the update.  When you log back in the data will be rebuilt from the server giving something like a clean re-start.

Removed data & updated as suggested (my instance insisted 10.60.4 was latest, but indeed 10.61.5 available at evernote.com).

Now approaching 24 hours with NO TAIL-CLIPPING / NO DATA LOSS.  Yes I'm shouting.  

Hard to prove a negative as they say - but here's hoping it's behind us.

(Also noted - "new note" stalls curtailed in 10.61.5)


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On 5/13/2023 at 8:29 AM, loriewa said:

Is anyone else experiencing almost instant loss of data in notes? I have had this issue for a few days: I create or edit a note, move on to the next note that needs editing and when I return to the previous, most of the information I had entered is simply gone. There were two notes that I retyped three times before creating new note with a slightly different names and deleting the original notes. This is extremely annoying!

The notes had not been in existence long enough to have a history, apparently, since the history returns only the mutilated version. Is there a way to do a hard "save" as soon as a note is completed so that I don't have to recreate it several times?

Or better yet, a way to fix this annoying bug?

Windows 10
Evernote 10.56.9

This has been happening to me lately, too: The content of notes I write or edit isn't there when I return to that note. I'm using Evernote 10.61.5.

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On 9/6/2023 at 11:31 PM, agsteele said:

Please DM @Federico Simionato with details including EN logs and the URL/Note ID for the affected note.


I wish it was just one affected note...

I am using the latest release (I think it is 10.61 something... can't check right now as EN seems to be frozen after losing the content of the note I was editing... aha, it has just crashed). So far this release is worse than ever. I am so frustrated. 

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1 hour ago, loriewa said:

So far this release is worse than ever. I am so frustrated. 

You really,  really need to be talking to Support,  or @Federico as @agsteele suggested.  They can guide you on finding out what's causing this for (as far as I can see) only a few users...

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Update:  10.61.5 (with prior version & data removed before install) has positively resolved data loss I referred to as "tail clipping".  Have run a week now without a single instance of trouble.  "Slow new-note" issue was simultaneously resolved by same update.  

@loriewa @coffeefirstthing are you running a "clean install" (logout with data-wipe) of 10.61.5?  Your issue sounds precisely like my erstwhile issue, mine resolved instantly with 10.61.5 clean install.



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On 9/11/2023 at 12:25 AM, Schooner said:

Update:  10.61.5 (with prior version & data removed before install) has positively resolved data loss I referred to as "tail clipping".  Have run a week now without a single instance of trouble.  "Slow new-note" issue was simultaneously resolved by same update.  

@loriewa @coffeefirstthing are you running a "clean install" (logout with data-wipe) of 10.61.5?  Your issue sounds precisely like my erstwhile issue, mine resolved instantly with 10.61.5 clean install.



hey can you or anyone describe what you mean by a clean install.  I have faced lot of missing content from notes.  Do you mean full removal of existing evernote and then a download/install of 61.5?  Or do you mean something else.

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Just to note, the desktop apps are now up to 10.61.10 so be sure to use that version (or newer) when reinstalling.

Sometimes it benefits resolving an issue by rebuilding the local data. You can achieve that by signing out of your account and choosing to remove your data from the device. When you sign back in your data is rebuilt.

Other times the best option is a clean reinstall. Achieve this by uninstalling with Revo Uninstaller. This not only cleans the local data but rejoices all potentially corrupted configuration files.


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  • 2 months later...

Just curious who is the troll here - the people complaining or the Evernote "experts" who are defending the indefensible?  I've just lost notes also.  Full notes, the tail end of notes I added a few days ago, and even "restored"  notes.  They will be there for a moment and then they disappear.

As for creating a support ticket, that is a complete joke.  I've already got two support tickets going.  There hasn't been so much as an acknowledgement in weeks.  The definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over again expecting a different result.  Evernote hasn't responded to earlier tech support requests.  Why would I think they would respond to yet another request?

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1 hour ago, RadicalDad said:

Just curious who is the troll here - the people complaining or the Evernote "experts" who are defending the indefensible?  I've just lost notes also.  Full notes, the tail end of notes I added a few days ago, and even "restored"  notes.  They will be there for a moment and then they disappear.

As for creating a support ticket, that is a complete joke.  I've already got two support tickets going.  There hasn't been so much as an acknowledgement in weeks.  The definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over again expecting a different result.  Evernote hasn't responded to earlier tech support requests.  Why would I think they would respond to yet another request?

The troll comment was uncalled for.  People here, for the most part, are just trying to help. Have you done what @agsteele recommended above?

"Please DM @Federico Simionato with details including EN logs and the URL/Note ID for the affected note."

Support is very backlogged.  Nothing for us to defend there ... it is a mess, but Federico is taking data loss seriously.  DM him.


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  • 3 weeks later...
On 5/13/2023 at 4:59 AM, loriewa said:

Is anyone else experiencing almost instant loss of data in notes? I have had this issue for a few days: I create or edit a note, move on to the next note that needs editing and when I return to the previous, most of the information I had entered is simply gone. There were two notes that I retyped three times before creating new note with a slightly different names and deleting the original notes. This is extremely annoying!

The notes had not been in existence long enough to have a history, apparently, since the history returns only the mutilated version. Is there a way to do a hard "save" as soon as a note is completed so that I don't have to recreate it several times?

Or better yet, a way to fix this annoying bug?

Windows 10
Evernote 10.56.9

Same here

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22 hours ago, Being human said:

What to do

Specify your device / OS / Evernote version / what's going missing?  (file type / size / editing / new notes) / How and when this happens...  details please!

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