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Migrating from Evernote to OneNote

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Hi, I'm hoping someone can help.

I have been looking everywhere online to try and find a way of migrating all of the notes to OneNote. However, it looks as if the designated tool that Microsoft provided has gone end of life as of September 2022.

I work in IT support and one of our customers would like to have all of his notes migrated over to OneNote. He has over 13000 notes in Evernote so to do this manually is not going to be feasible.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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Hi.  You'd probably be better of talking to OneNote support - both apps have changed in the recent few years,  but they have more incentive to keep an 'import from Evernote' feature working.  Be warned that the architecture of the databases is very different - you won't be able to just copy tags and notes across;  your client is going to have to make some compromises!

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The official MS converter is discontinued. If I remember it correctly there was a GitHub project mentioned somewhere in a forum post. You could try to search for it, using the forum search.

If I understood it correctly, it was more of a private project. If you want to use it on clients data is up to your review and testing. The general problem is that EN and ON have a different basic structure. That’s why a conversion of content between the two is not easy.

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The best tool at the moment seems to be OneNote Batch http://www.onenotegem.com/a/addins/onenote-batch.html You can import an Evernote Notebook into OneNote and it will create a new OneNote Notebook containing all the Evernote content.

You need to pay for it, but I think you can test it out by importing a few Evernote pages to OneNote, before paying. 

My experience was that it worked quite well.

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There is a tool called Evernote2Onenote which runs on Windows :


I could use it successfully to export all my notebooks and import them into Onenote.

But ...

After sometime I stopped using Onenote for the following reasons :

  • Onenote is slow like hell when you want to sync between devices, sometimes it is quick and you do not know why, sometimes it is really looooong
  • I did not like the editor, the text is located on a page, it is not convenient to move it, not my philosophy, not fast enough
  • the Windows version is fine but Mac and iOS versions do not provide the same interface and tools, as I use both Windows, Mac and iOS this was not compatible with my needs

The only nice tool I found in Onenote, which is not in Evernote, is the translation tool. Very fast and efficient. I will miss it. If Evrenote can do the same, that would be great.

Until now I keep Evernote for bulk storage (files, emails, images, web captures ...) and I just started to use Obsidian for short and linked notes, where Evernote is not the right tool. The way Evernote implements links between notes is too slow and not vusually compatible with my needs.

Obsidian has a modern tagging feature, just add # in front of a ord and you added a tag. If Evenote can implement this also, it would be much better than the old actual tagging feature.


Hope it helps.


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6 hours ago, Jean-Christophe said:

just add # in front of a ord and you added a tag. If Evenote can implement this

I use a version of this in my Evernote - just add a character to a standard word to make it a tag: xsolved for instance will be found quite quickly in searches wherever that unique version of the word appears.  The word 'solved' apparently appears in 300+ notes in my database,  whereas 'xsolved' is a one-off!

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On 5/5/2023 at 3:32 AM, timwa said:

The best tool at the moment seems to be OneNote Batch http://www.onenotegem.com/a/addins/onenote-batch.html You can import an Evernote Notebook into OneNote and it will create a new OneNote Notebook containing all the Evernote content.

You need to pay for it, but I think you can test it out by importing a few Evernote pages to OneNote, before paying. 

My experience was that it worked quite well.

I've tried the demo, which can only import 1 note and when well - I sent an email to Gem and got a reply back straight away.


– I wanted to check if there is anything I would be likely to lose, (Maybe a file type that were attached to a note in Evernote) if I used your Onenote Batch 2016.

and received a reply that didn't make sense to me.


Because it is a paid add-in.

 And OneNote Release 2013.

In 2013, many article introduce, because it is the first tool to import Evernote enex file into OneNote

 You can find, it still prove import Evernote 2.0s enx file into OneNote. This obsolete file format for many years

Maybe someone with a better understanding of Evernote can say whether OneNote Batch imports EN into Onenote.  


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30 minutes ago, doctorkeo said:

and received a reply that didn't make sense to me.

Nope - me neither.  It would seem that you need another OneNote Batch user who imported from Evernote to tell you if it works.  I wouldn't have thought that's someone you're likely to find here...

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I took the plunge and purchased Onenote Batch - it's been a long haul but most of my data has been ported to Onenote. I'm sure that I will get it all ported. Sad to say Bye after 12 years, but for me enough is enough. I never ever had a day when V10 worked for me. Having to run the obsolete V6 AND increase the subs was a step too far.



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  • 1 month later...

I need help migrating, too! Seems like Evernote2OneNote is only for windows users. Is there any migration tool available for mac users? Desperate here. Evernote all of a sudden forced me into a 1-wk trial (otherwise no access to my thousands of notes), after that I'll have to subscribe for $17.99/mo - unbelievable they give you just 1 week. I need to find a solution to save my notes asap. Or should I be considering something other than OneNote?

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I’m not sure what you mean about being forced into a one week trial.  Even on the free plan you will still have access to those notes though under the free plan restrictions.

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The switch to OneNote is not as simple as it seems. The two programs have a different basic structure - this means in both directions there doesn’t exist a clear cut way to migrate.

Second nobody is forcing anybody into subscribing. The Free plan is there:


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On 24.06.2023 at 21:31, franziblome said:

I need help migrating, too! Seems like Evernote2OneNote is only for windows users. Is there any migration tool available for mac users? Desperate here. Evernote all of a sudden forced me into a 1-wk trial (otherwise no access to my thousands of notes), after that I'll have to subscribe for $17.99/mo - unbelievable they give you just 1 week. I need to find a solution to save my notes asap. Or should I be considering something other than OneNote?

If you have provided payment information, you will need to delete your information so that the payment cannot be accepted. After that, you will return to the free version. I had a similar case when writing a research paper, but part of my notes became inaccessible, and I almost got into trouble. I was lucky to find https://edubirdie.com/essay-editing-service where they took all the remaining text and edited it, which gave me a good grade. Now, I keep copies of my notes on different devices to avoid data loss. I hope you were able to recover everything. 

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5 minutes ago, TimRyder said:

Evernote all of a sudden forced me into a 1-wk trial (otherwise no access to my thousands of notes), after that I'll have to subscribe for $17.99/mo

If you gave payment information - card or bank details - visit https://www.evernote.com/Settings.action in a browser and remove your details so payment can't be taken.  After the trial expires your account will automatically revert to the free version.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The desperation of Evernote is highly annoying. I completely understand the need to monetize the product, but they are putting endless pushes in front of free users now.  Not our fault the way they structured it in the beginning.  I also completely agree with @franziblome - the new popup modal is entirely meant to trick free users into a plan.  "skip the trial" button is meant to be scary so that you think you are "SKIPPING THE TRIAL" and going straight into the only option on the page which is 17.99/mo.  

Users would expect a No Thanks or I'll Continue with Free link.  Not Skip the Trial.

And just like this user, it's just pushing more and more to look for alternatives as I'm sure the day will come when they take away something even more critical on Free that completely forces us into a paid plan anyways.  

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20 minutes ago, ladle3000 said:

I'm sure the day will come when they take away something even more critical on Free

Like closing that option down?  Recent price increases have been to ensure that Evernote remains in profit (or gets there soon) and one huge albatross around its neck is the fact of hundreds of thousands of users who still get most of the features for completely free,  despite benefitting from the regular updates and upgrades and the free web storage provided.  The new owners have a business to run.  They may have to make some harsh decisions...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm a free user who a number of years ago signed up for a semi-pro version. Shortly after they removed the version that I was paying for and starting using my credit card to pay for the pro version. It took me 2 years of subscription to cotton on to what they had done and that scam will mean that I will never give them access to a payment card again.

I have access to One Note for free ( I have an Office subscription) but I have been using Evernote for 14 years & I like it - to the extent that I would pay for it if they hadn't tried to scam me. 2 Years ago I transferred my data to One Note but continued to use Evernote. I'm not sure what to do now - is it time to leave? I'm a low level user & can live with the free version, but it looks as if they plan to eliminate free users.

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Why don’t you sit it out - it seems you did nothing else in the last years, so why change old habits ? At least I don’t see much of a strategy in this „a little here, a little there“.

Time will tell …

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19 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

Why don’t you sit it out - it seems you did nothing else in the last years, so why change old habits ? At least I don’t see much of a strategy in this „a little here, a little there“.

Time will tell …

Because the eMail that they sent me, and "Manage Account" on the website, explicitly states that the personal version will now cost £79.99 - i.e. there is no more free. Is that wrong?

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3 minutes ago, agsteele said:

At the moment Free continues. Ignore the Email and you will stay on Free.

Free is continuing.

They sure know how to alienate paying users! Or at least this particular ex-paying user.

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Don’t know why / what is alienating ?!

One can never subscribe by just clicking on one button - at least not in the EU. There is always a next sequence, where everything needs to be confirmed.

At the end there is a button that must clearly say „Click & Pay“. Without this no legal online contract can be accepted.

But OK, maybe we are a bit pampered in good old Europe …

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2 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

Don’t know why / what is alienating ?!

One can never subscribe by just clicking on one button - at least not in the EU. There is always a next sequence, where everything needs to be confirmed.

At the end there is a button that must clearly say „Click & Pay“. Without this no legal online contract can be accepted.

But OK, maybe we are a bit pampered in good old Europe …

In my case they changed my subscription without notifying me, they just increased the amount of money that they were taking from my credit card. Fortunately the CC details that they hold are now out of date, but earlier today I tried to remove them from my account & I could only find options to update them to a new CC, I couldn't find a way of deleting the payment card. It's this one way system of taking more and more money that I find alienating. I consider it fraudulent.

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You seem to have quite specific issues - might it be you had a little mixup with your whole setup ?

Emails usually go through without problems - but your service provider may see them as spam, and even may erase them without sending you or the sender a notification.

Payment: It is standard to request at least one working payment information as long as there is a contract / subscription. This is nothing special to EN - and it is completely legitimate.

Some providers will even go through the pain and cost to draw a small amount from the account (and book it back shortly after) just to assure it is a working account.

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14 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

You seem to have quite specific issues - might it be you had a little mixup with your whole setup ?

Emails usually go through without problems - but your service provider may see them as spam, and even may erase them without sending you or the sender a notification.

Payment: It is standard to request at least one working payment information as long as there is a contract / subscription. This is nothing special to EN - and it is completely legitimate.

Some providers will even go through the pain and cost to draw a small amount from the account (and book it back shortly after) just to assure it is a working account.

Once I discovered the payments on my CC account I rang up, it wasn't a mixup it was a scam. The way it went was (forgive me I don't remember the names of the accounts & the amounts so I have made them up for illustration).

Dear user you no longer qualify for a free account because XYZ, you can have User Account £10 p.a
Hey - why are you charging me £50 for a Pro Account? - The User Account doesn't exist any more we transferred all the User Accounts to Pro

And I get Deja Vu from my latest notification:

"We're writing to let you know about an upcoming change to your Evernote Personal subscription.

First, the new pricing. The price of your Annual subscription will change to 79.99 GBP per Year. The new price will take effect on your next renewal, 8/17/2023."

There is no request as you have described, they are informing me that as of 17th August they are going to start charging me £79.99 for my free account.


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As I said: You are describing something I can’t reproduce. I am running one subscription and 2 Free accounts.

Never had an issue with wrong payments or a billing on one of the Free accounts - for the Free accounts there is no payment method required, and none entered.

When I switched my subscription level, one 12 month amount was booked, and the refund for the unused part of the other subscription was refunded a few days later.

When I took my account to not paying, which was necessary to use my collected EN points, Support managed both transitions smoothly and without any problems for me - even when this meant to take the account from Personal (paid) to Free to Personal (Points) to Free to Personal (Paid) again.

So I don’t understand 

- why you entered a payment tool for a Free account at all

- why you claim you have been urged to pay years ago. You could reject any CC payment through your bank if it wasn’t legitimate 

- why you say the current raise would be part of a scam. They raise prices, so you stop your subscription, or you continue and pay.

But that’s part of your problems, not mine.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 7/27/2023 at 10:06 PM, PinkElephant said:

As I said: You are describing something I can’t reproduce. I am running one subscription and 2 Free accounts.

Never had an issue with wrong payments or a billing on one of the Free accounts - for the Free accounts there is no payment method required, and none entered.

When I switched my subscription level, one 12 month amount was booked, and the refund for the unused part of the other subscription was refunded a few days later.

When I took my account to not paying, which was necessary to use my collected EN points, Support managed both transitions smoothly and without any problems for me - even when this meant to take the account from Personal (paid) to Free to Personal (Points) to Free to Personal (Paid) again.

So I don’t understand 

- why you entered a payment tool for a Free account at all

- why you claim you have been urged to pay years ago. You could reject any CC payment through your bank if it wasn’t legitimate 

- why you say the current raise would be part of a scam. They raise prices, so you stop your subscription, or you continue and pay.

But that’s part of your problems, not mine.

No doubt you won't be able to reproduce this either so it didn't happen, but I thought that I would tell this bit of the story in case it helps another victim.

I left things on free, as you recommended a month ago, and this morning Evernote took £79.99 from my Credit Card. I telephoned the fraud department of my CC Bank because I cancelled the card that Evernote had been charging and I have never given Evernote this CC details, they shouldn't know that it exists. I asked my CC how the payment could be made and they said that what Evernote have done is ring Mastercard and ask whether I have any other cards that they can charge, and Mastercard tells them my other card numbers !!!! I'm incredulous, but it must happen quite often because there is a "Stop List" & my bank have offered to put Evernote on it for me. It takes a while because it has to have FCA approval, but this will protect me from further deductions.

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To be honest, I don't believe your bank. Or at least I don't believe that member of staff. I am certain that MasterCard would not divulge that information even if it has easy access to it. Apart from anything else it would contravene the GDPR.

It is, however, a trivial matter for your bank to reverse the transaction and refund the money to you.

£79.99 is the annual price for the Personal level. 

I am sure that somewhere Evernote had you registered for a Personal plan and that is what has been charged.

Since you seem to be in the UK, request a charge back from your card company.

Double check the plan you are registered on. Do you have any other Evernote accounts you might have opened and temporarily forgotten?

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Given the number of paying members Evernote (still) has I simply can't believe that they would have the staff or the time to ring up about a missed payment and track down a replacement card.  (@agsteele beat me to it there..)  

I'm in the UK and I've had payments missed a couple of times because of card changes - in both cases I reverted to free.  And there have been enough shock and horror storied in the forums from other users who 'forgot' to change their card details and got downgraded.

Regardless - we can't do anything about it in the Forums - you need your bank and credit card company to sort out their parts of the process,  and I'd strongly recommend contacting Evernote Support so you can decide what,  if any,  payments should be going through in the future.

For the record any al all payment issues can be resolved via 'my account' on the web pages - downgrade your account to Basic and there will be no further charges,  card details or no.  I hope this gets resolved for you very shortly!

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1 hour ago, agsteele said:

To be honest, I don't believe your bank. Or at least I don't believe that member of staff. I am certain that MasterCard would not divulge that information even if it has easy access to it. Apart from anything else it would contravene the GDPR.

It is, however, a trivial matter for your bank to reverse the transaction and refund the money to you.

£79.99 is the annual price for the Personal level. 

I am sure that somewhere Evernote had you registered for a Personal plan and that is what has been charged.

Since you seem to be in the UK, request a charge back from your card company.

Double check the plan you are registered on. Do you have any other Evernote accounts you might have opened and temporarily forgotten?

I'd like to think that you are right, but you still have to explain how Evernote got the new credit card number. It wasn't from me, & it wasn't on my account - I checked a month ago when I 1st posted & Pink E challenged that my problems didn't happen. In fact my Evernote account shows the payment as having been taken from the cancelled credit card, not the card that it was taken from. Doing a chargeback, never had another Evernote Account. Thanks for the advice.

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1 hour ago, gazumped said:

Given the number of paying members Evernote (still) has I simply can't believe that they would have the staff or the time to ring up about a missed payment and track down a replacement card.  (@agsteele beat me to it there..)  

I'm in the UK and I've had payments missed a couple of times because of card changes - in both cases I reverted to free.  And there have been enough shock and horror storied in the forums from other users who 'forgot' to change their card details and got downgraded.

Regardless - we can't do anything about it in the Forums - you need your bank and credit card company to sort out their parts of the process,  and I'd strongly recommend contacting Evernote Support so you can decide what,  if any,  payments should be going through in the future.

For the record any al all payment issues can be resolved via 'my account' on the web pages - downgrade your account to Basic and there will be no further charges,  card details or no.  I hope this gets resolved for you very shortly!


This post wasn't expecting you to do anything, it was replying to Pink Elephants "Can't reproduce it so it didn't happen" and also to warn others that cancelling a CC doesn't stop them charging you.

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29 minutes ago, 3v3rn0t3 said:

to warn others that cancelling a CC doesn't stop them charging you.

32 minutes ago, 3v3rn0t3 said:

In fact my Evernote account shows the payment as having been taken from the cancelled credit card, not the card that it was taken from.

In the credit card industry, you can be charged even if your card is no longer valid because of a “recurring indicator” that’s included in your transactions, a technology that enables the company to circumvent the expiration date and keep charging you each month.

This is common in the credit card subscription process.

I think the best thing to do in every case -- if possible -- is to cancel the subscription of whatever it is you are subscribing to (not just Evernote) instead of trying to make it so they can't charge your card.

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2 hours ago, 3v3rn0t3 said:


This post wasn't expecting you to do anything, it was replying to Pink Elephants "Can't reproduce it so it didn't happen" and also to warn others that cancelling a CC doesn't stop them charging you.

I never said it couldn’t happen - I only said I went through cancelling twice, and had no issues.

It is the dead wrong method to terminate a subscription by simply removing (or not renewing) the credit card. A subscription is a legal contract that doesn’t need a CC to become valid. If you don’t pay for a contract, the other side can even take you to court for not paying (I doubt EN would do it, but the legal side is very clear).

If you are charged and believe there is no subscription, you need to get this solved. As long as a subscription exists (given they can prove it was once signed by you on your user account, which will be the case) you are obliged to pay for it - or settle the case. Withdrawing the credit card does nothing to terminate the underlying contract.

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2 hours ago, 3v3rn0t3 said:

I'd like to think that you are right, but you still have to explain how Evernote got the new credit card number.

I'm certainly not saying that you weren't charged. I just don't believe the explanation given to you by the person at the bank.

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41 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

I never said it couldn’t happen - I only said I went through cancelling twice, and had no issues.

It is the dead wrong method to terminate a subscription by simply removing (or not renewing) the credit card. A subscription is a legal contract that doesn’t need a CC to become valid. If you don’t pay for a contract, the other side can even take you to court for not paying (I doubt EN would do it, but the legal side is very clear).

If you are charged and believe there is no subscription, you need to get this solved. As long as a subscription exists (given they can prove it was once signed by you on your user account, which will be the case) you are obliged to pay for it - or settle the case. Withdrawing the credit card does nothing to terminate the underlying contract.


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2 hours ago, Boot17 said:

In the credit card industry, you can be charged even if your card is no longer valid because of a “recurring indicator” that’s included in your transactions, a technology that enables the company to circumvent the expiration date and keep charging you each month.

This is common in the credit card subscription process.

I think the best thing to do in every case -- if possible -- is to cancel the subscription of whatever it is you are subscribing to (not just Evernote) instead of trying to make it so they can't charge your card.

Yes I did. But TY for the information. 

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Noting the transition between topics - I'd like to bring us back to the transition of notes from evernote to onenote. I have been a loyal user (and mark) for over a decade now and I was paying for it for multiple years until they switched to this garbage version. My number one issue is that I have repeatedly lost notes from a poor sync. There's no way to force sync and this means I lose work. I keep very valuable meeting notes in evernote. If I lose them, they disappear with the bat of an eye, there's no way to recover them. I wasn't able to get legitimate support for note recovery as a paid user - so I stopped paying. And now I'm still losing notes. I'm at the end of my rope. If this got sorted out I'd stay but as it is I think I will have to migrate to onenote -- which is free and I know that its getting saved. 

Has anyone here actually used Evernote2Onenote successfully? It's the first option that appears. I'm skeptical of free software. I am open to paying a little. Is Evernote Batch better for some reason? I am a windows user. Also noting I have limited technical skill, I just need this to go as easily as possible.

On 5/13/2023 at 4:44 PM, doctorkeo said:

I took the plunge and purchased Onenote Batch - it's been a long haul but most of my data has been ported to Onenote. I'm sure that I will get it all ported. Sad to say Bye after 12 years, but for me enough is enough. I never ever had a day when V10 worked for me. Having to run the obsolete V6 AND increase the subs was a step too far.




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There is no one (1) OneNote. There are standalone versions, purchased, and the subscription O365 version, that permanently evolves.

I haven’t read the whole thread - is this clear ?

We can help you with getting stuff out of EN. How you get it into ON is a different challenge. The structure of ON does not match the structure of EN. This gap can have an impact on how content is organized.

This you need to decide for your content. Maybe ask in a ON forum for help.

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On 8/23/2023 at 3:25 PM, TaylorScott said:

Has anyone here actually used Evernote2Onenote successfully? It's the first option that appears. I'm skeptical of free software. I am open to paying a little. Is Evernote Batch better for some reason? I am a windows user. Also noting I have limited technical skill, I just need this to go as easily as possible.


I used Evernote2Onenote with success. Exported a couple of thousand of notes from Evernote Legacy to OneNote (Microsoft Office Professional PLus 2021).
The export is far from perfect (handling of text paragraphs, images) etc.
But it gets 80% of the job done, with minimal expenses. And it's quite fast.

Perfect for regular backups. : )

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  • 4 weeks later...

I ended up deciding to make the switch - while I have accumulated over 1000 notes over a dozen years, and use the app every day for to-dos and other reference notes - the value just didn't stand up any longer against being able to get the entire MS Office suite, including OneNote, for me (and my wife) for less money.  Having played around with ONeNote for a month or two I am comfortable it does what I need.   

More usefully - my experience in transitioning:  

  • I tried Evernote2Onenote but without success.  Sometimes a note or two would import, but then it would fail, due to a "RCP server is unavailable".  Seems like this error affects a number of people, as it is all over the issues log for the application, but not everyone.  I tried quite a few things but couldn't get it to work. 
  • I then shelled out the USD28 for OneNoteBatch from Gem and that worked really well for me.  I did reorganise some of my Evernote notebooks before importing, but other than that is was relatively painless and intuitive.   And there is an option to put the Evernote tags in the title if you want.   It did set off MS Defender with "unknown program - are you sure you want to do this..." message, which was a bit nerve wracking, but all seems to have worked ok.   So was very happy with this option.  

(And as I depart - a shoutout to @PinkElephant - your calm, rationale and insightful responses to posts - including many that are emotional / not very well thought out - are enjoyable to read - kudos for your amazing contribution to the Evernote community).   

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I was about to switch from Evernote to OneNote. Partly due to the significant price increase (nearly 50% for Plus, which apparently I'm grandfathered in so I can still keep), and mostly due to all the silly unrelated "features" they've been adding. I can change the appearance of my home screen? Who cares?! I can track task? TOO LATE! (I switched from Trello to MS To Do and I like it.)

Here's the thing, Evernote: You don't have to be everything to everyone. We can handle separate apps to track notes, to-do tasks, e-mail, etc. It's actually easier. (It's called the Unix mindset, where each little program does one little job well, and power comes from aggregating those...which is what iOS, MacOS, and Windows do for us today.)

Oh, anyway! So I tried MS OneNote and HATED IT! It looks like it's a mash-up of their file Explorer and Notepad, but with that *ing annoying ribbon. "How do I create tags? OMx you HAVE to be kidding me!!!" MS OneNote is a UX nightmare. It was when I first tried it about 20 years ago, and it LOOKS THE SAME if not worse than it did then.

So I re-subscribed to Evernote and I'm not looking back.


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38 minutes ago, Uncle Troy said:

nearly 50% for Plus

Thanks for the cautionary tale - it quite cheered me up!  I've pointed out several times in different places here,  that Evernote didn't have any price increases for some years,  while the value of the actual cash in your pocket plummeted because of pandemics,  wars and politics.  This latest step gets the cost back in step with the world and lets Evernote continue to provide the service which,  at whatever level you subscribe,  is a valuable one.

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Thanks for the feedback.

The horrible UI was one of the main reasons I dropped MS products altogether.

There are other nice apps in the note taking section - but it’s hard to tell which one suits a specific users needs best.

As a rule of thumb the closest sibling to EN legacy is EN v10. Everything else is „next best“, which means in the best case still close enough, but in many cases already too far away.

Many apps offer a test drive - go and see. And this not only when there is a price raise.

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  • Evernote Expert
1 hour ago, Uncle Troy said:

was about to switch from Evernote to OneNote. Partly due to the significant price increase (nearly 50% for Plus, which apparently I'm grandfathered in so I can still keep

Sadly, this is no longer true. Plus is now withdrawn. About a month before your renewal is due you will be told you are now on the Personal plan. Your options will be Free or Personal. Enjoy the deal you have for as long as it lasts.

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  • Level 5*
1 hour ago, agsteele said:

Plus is now withdrawn.

But on the bright(er) side,  users who downgrade to Free are reporting discounts of 40/50% for the next year to soften the blow of staying on....

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  • Level 5
2 hours ago, Uncle Troy said:

I was about to switch from Evernote to OneNote. Partly due to the significant price increase (nearly 50% for Plus, which apparently I'm grandfathered in so I can still keep), and mostly due to all the silly unrelated "features" they've been adding. I can change the appearance of my home screen? Who cares?! I can track task? TOO LATE! (I switched from Trello to MS To Do and I like it.)

Here's the thing, Evernote: You don't have to be everything to everyone. We can handle separate apps to track notes, to-do tasks, e-mail, etc. It's actually easier. (It's called the Unix mindset, where each little program does one little job well, and power comes from aggregating those...which is what iOS, MacOS, and Windows do for us today.)

If I may comment just on  this.... As it happens, I care that I can configure a Home page as a starting point for my use of Evernote. Didn't know I wanted it till it was introduced in v. 10. Frankly the "I don't want it, so don't offer it to anyone" attitude that pops up here sometimes seems like a bit of tunnel vision at best.

I think there are interesting philosophical discussions to be had about Evernote's purpose and approach. It is a generalist app, which can be a problem for people who want to use it mainly for coding or GTD or other jobs with specific parameters they need. But it is not a universal app, which also is a problem for people who want Evernote to do everything a word processor, spreadsheet, graphics program, equation generator, file archive, etc., can do. For me, Evernote hits a sweet spot as a service that performs a few things (focused on creating and editing notes) well enough to suit general purposes, but does not actually try to do everything as well as it could be done. I use it to gather ideas and do some initial research, while doing real writing on a dedicated app.

Not really disagreeing with you about much, just think it's an interesting subject.

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  • 2 months later...
On 5/4/2023 at 9:46 AM, hsavage7 said:

Hi, I'm hoping someone can help.

I have been looking everywhere online to try and find a way of migrating all of the notes to OneNote. However, it looks as if the designated tool that Microsoft provided has gone end of life as of September 2022.

I work in IT support and one of our customers would like to have all of his notes migrated over to OneNote. He has over 13000 notes in Evernote so to do this manually is not going to be feasible.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



I tried to use the evernote2onenote tool with no success.  tech problems that are over my head.  trying to look into zoho notes tool that has an import tool for evernote....I'd pay someone $100 to get my evernote into onenote and move on from there.  I always expected to be trapped into evernote and figured it would be challenging to get out.  They get you dependent on it-- because it is great--then jack up price knowing it's hard to leave.

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  • Level 5*
9 minutes ago, justnewlistings said:

I tried to use the evernote2onenote tool with no success.  tech problems that are over my head.  trying to look into zoho notes tool that has an import tool for evernote....I'd pay someone $100 to get my evernote into onenote and move on from there.  I always expected to be trapped into evernote and figured it would be challenging to get out.  They get you dependent on it-- because it is great--then jack up price knowing it's hard to leave.

We have had this discussion before.  You are not trapped.  If you continue to have trouble with One Note there are other apps that are easier to migrate to.

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  • Level 5*
41 minutes ago, justnewlistings said:

I always expected to be trapped into evernote and figured it would be challenging to get out.  They get you dependent on it-- because it is great--then jack up price knowing it's hard to leave.

You're not,  they don't and it isn't.   

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  • Level 5
1 hour ago, justnewlistings said:

I tried to use the evernote2onenote tool with no success.  tech problems that are over my head.  ... I always expected to be trapped into evernote and figured it would be challenging to get out.  They get you dependent on it-- because it is great--then jack up price knowing it's hard to leave.

If your abilities are not sufficient to IMPORT into ON, why do you blame EN ? The part EN has to provide is a clean export, and this they do.

How you get that moved to wherever you want is entirely your own business. Some alternatives are easier, some more demanding. Your choice.

One lesson you should take away from this experience: Better watch out if your desired "solution" is as good in exporting again than they are on importing. There are quite some that seem to have forgotten that "export" functionality. I would avoid these at all cost.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Level 5*
Just now, IkeD said:

Why cant I find the button to create to Export Note(s)?  I right click on the NOte and it gives options to copy paste etc. but no export. Whats up? ps I am on the free version.


You need to use a desktop version to export.  It can’t be done from a web browser.  Be mindful of the device number limitation if you need to install the desktop app.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 12/17/2023 at 2:27 PM, justnewlistings said:

I tried to use the evernote2onenote tool with no success.  tech problems that are over my head.  trying to look into zoho notes tool that has an import tool for evernote....I'd pay someone $100 to get my evernote into onenote and move on from there.  I always expected to be trapped into evernote and figured it would be challenging to get out.  They get you dependent on it-- because it is great--then jack up price knowing it's hard to leave.

found success with notion as alternative  mostly imported notebooks seamlessly.  couple imported half way and working on work around.  


however you can share notebooks publicly without peope having to register with evernote.  we'd asked for that capability for 10 y ears!  (maybe it changed recently but pathetic to have ignore your legacy users for so long)

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  • Level 5*
52 minutes ago, justnewlistings said:

pathetic to have ignore your legacy users for so long

The current owners only had less than a year at the table ,  and they mostly spent that fixing things up. More,  they say,  will follow...

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  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks to all who contributed to this thread which has (for me at least) a happy ending. I never did have a satisfactory conclusion with One Note and I'm not convinced that Microsoft have a future for it in mind either. Consequently, I followed the suggestion from this thread and tried Notion, transfer was an absolute breeze and I am very happy with the product. 

Thanks again for all the contributions.


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  • 1 month later...
On 2/3/2024 at 11:19 AM, 3v3rn0t3 said:

.... Consequently, I followed the suggestion from this thread and tried Notion, transfer was an absolute breeze and I am very happy with the product. 


As of today I am on the free plan in Evernote, my 4000+ notes and several dozen notebooks are now in Notion.

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  • 3 weeks later...

personally, I was forced into what I will call "incremental migration" strategy, when I moved from palm desktop / device into evernote due to lack of compatible way of doing automatic transfer.    This works for migrating from ANY note app to ANY other note app.  This works as follows:

- leave all existing notes in your old note app

- new notes, you create in new note app

- old notes, whenever you need to amend them, copy over to new note app manually and edit over there

This may appear counter-intuitive.  I was forced into it, and was initially very upset. But in the end, it worked like a charm for me. Because this way, you are also in a way doing housekeeping, ie after 1 year, you will have active notes in your new note app, while outdated notes only in your old note app.   This helps in keeping database small, thus faster speed. Also, when you do search, you don't get so many outdated notes also appearing in search.       In my case, I had 5000+ notes in my old palm desktop, but after 1 year, I had transferred only 1500 active notes into evernote, and left the 3500 outdated notes in old palm desktop app.     1500 notes coped over 1 year works out to be about manually copying 4 notes a day, which is not too painful (though of course in reality, in initial days, may need to copy upto 10 notes notes a day, and then it starts tapering off).    There are some drawbacks like having to search 2 notes app for some time.   But after some time, this also reduces. 

Many may not have considered this as an option.  I certainly didn't. but it worked well for me, so am highlighting it as a POSSIBLE option to think about.

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18 minutes ago, pkmailbox1 said:

This may appear counter-intuitive.  I was forced into it, and was initially very upset. But in the end, it worked like a charm for me. Because this way, you are also in a way doing housekeeping, ie after 1 year, you will have active notes in your new note app, while outdated notes only in your old note app.   

Many may not have considered this as an option.  I certainly didn't. but it worked well for me, so am highlighting it as a POSSIBLE option to think about.

Great solution. A bit off topic, but this also works for those with hundreds or thousands of unread emails who want to go to inbox zero but cannot figure out how to do it. Simply create a folder called "Archive", put ALL your emails - both read and unread - into it, and like magic you have an empty inbox. If you need to find anything old, it's still there in archive, and anything new can either be read and deleted or read and archived.

Sometimes the simplest solutions are the best.

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1 hour ago, pkmailbox1 said:

personally, I was forced into what I will call "incremental migration" strategy, when I moved from palm desktop / device into evernote due to lack of compatible way of doing automatic transfer.    This works for migrating from ANY note app to ANY other note app.  This works as follows:

- leave all existing notes in your old note app

- new notes, you create in new note app

- old notes, whenever you need to amend them, copy over to new note app manually and edit over there

This may appear counter-intuitive.  I was forced into it, and was initially very upset. But in the end, it worked like a charm for me. Because this way, you are also in a way doing housekeeping, ie after 1 year, you will have active notes in your new note app, while outdated notes only in your old note app.   This helps in keeping database small, thus faster speed. Also, when you do search, you don't get so many outdated notes also appearing in search.       In my case, I had 5000+ notes in my old palm desktop, but after 1 year, I had transferred only 1500 active notes into evernote, and left the 3500 outdated notes in old palm desktop app.     1500 notes coped over 1 year works out to be about manually copying 4 notes a day, which is not too painful (though of course in reality, in initial days, may need to copy upto 10 notes notes a day, and then it starts tapering off).    There are some drawbacks like having to search 2 notes app for some time.   But after some time, this also reduces. 

Many may not have considered this as an option.  I certainly didn't. but it worked well for me, so am highlighting it as a POSSIBLE option to think about.

Great suggestion.

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  • 2 months later...

Evernote is expensive but I've been using it for more than 12 years while subscribing.
However, in recent years, subscriptions have become more expensive, functions seem to deteriorate and slow down, and technology seems to reverse.
I canceled my subscription, so I force you to subscribe every day.
It also fails to create a new document.
I had to make up my mind to leave.

We are exporting individual laptops and transferring them to OneNote through the version of the Everton2Onenote 1.3.6Latest (https://github.com/stefankueng/EvImSync/releases) ).

When exporting, many documents were stopped due to errors in some documents, but I eventually exported them all and transferred them to OneNote.

OneNote is much better than it was in the early days.
I feel more comfortable.


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  • Level 5

If you feel better …

On a project I recently had to use ON run by the client. It sucked as it always did. Functions and content spread out over Teams, ON and SharePoint. All development seems to happen on Teams and now Copilot. ON is basically sitting there as dead code. Just my impressions.

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11 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

All development seems to happen on Teams and now Copilot. ON is basically sitting there as dead code. Just my impressions.

As a ...well....let's call me semi-insider to OneNote, I can confirm your impressions.

What many people do not have in mind (or most likely don't know) about OneNote: Chris Pratley, a former member of the Microsoft Word team, created it as a private side project, long before Evernote existed (in the year 2000 in fact). He had his own ideas about it's purpose and use (hence the indefinite canvas, the complety different idea about tags and the movable object boxes where everything lives in) built it on a very special data structure, using a very special sync mechanism based on what is used for SharePoint (MSFSSHTTP), even for local notebooks that uses very fragmented files (the cache) to sync them indepentently to the actual data files. But I don't want to bore you.
Over the years Microsoft struggled to make money with it at first and then use it as transport for different product and marketing strategies around the first (and much too early) tablet Windows, mobile strategy, educational market, Office, OneDrive, now Teams. They did not evolve the program in any way, just repositioning it constantly. 
OneNotes future is absolutely unclear, a serious developement very unlikely. No money in it and worse: they can't change the concept without changing the underlying engine and data format, making it incompatible to all existing notebooks and create a lot of anger especially from business clients who actually use it.

And yes, Microsoft is indeed all-in about Teams and Copilot now

I still love OneNote, the initial (and back then original) idea, even its many quirks and dead half working parts. But you have to take it as it is, it is no replacement for Evernote or any other note taking program. 

Do you know the huge desk pads that are actually writing pads? where you scribble everything down somewhere as you need to. And you find everything mostly because you remember in which corner you scribbled it? Those pads usually have many sheets but you never rip the top one off and use the clean ones because theres so many important stuff on that top sheet. That's OneNote for me and for sure a part of Chris' initial idea. You just can use countless sheets because you don't have to rip the upper ones off.

(pardon my English, not my native language)

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  • Level 5

Thanks for the background.

On one of my projects I actually came over one company that used OneNote as a platform for exchanging information among a geographically distributed team. It worked -  but that’s the best that could have been said about it. It needed to be enforced all the time, because nobody liked working with it.

It was just that their corporate IT didn’t allow anything without that Microsoft stamp on it, not even Atlassian gear or similar.

I wouldn’t have advised to use EN for other reasons, but I have rarely encountered a tool that was intensely used and heavily despised by its users at the same time.

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