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Audio file with faulty file extension *.maac instead of *.aac

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Am a new user, just installed latest android version via the Google Play Store.

I am testing if I can record audio notes and I notice that Evernote creates the following filename: 04.30.2023_1626p.maac

As the extension maac is not recognized by any of the android apps, I cannot play it back.

If I download the file and rename it manually, it plays ok, thus the file contents is ok.

I feel the correct name should have been 04.30.2023_1626pm.aac.

Anyway we can fix this?



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  • Evernote Expert

Thanks for contributing to the forums.  The Android app for Evernote creates files named as date_time.aac  So your file should have been 04.30.2023_1626pm.aac

I'm not sure whythe time is 1626pm but somehow your file name became corrupted.  I just created an audio file in a note which shows correctly.

Have you tried this again to see if it was a one off glitch?

If it always happens then I'd uninstall the app, restart your device and then reinstall.

There are some issues with audio notes in that the Evernote mobile apps don't seem to play the recordings. They have to be detached from the note and played in a device player outside Evernote. But that's a separate issue from what you describe.

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  • Level 5*

...and just for the record,  Evernote's audio controls aren't very good,  and you can't really use the phone while it is recording without derailing the whole process.  I tend to use another Android app to record so I can still take notes and look up things in my database.  It will save to MP3 or something,  which file can be attached to your note for future use.  And it will play anywhere!

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