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The app does not load anymore on my iphone

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Hi community

Does anybody know how to fix this:

I try to log in on my iphone, it says the following


Then, I fill in the log-in & password infos and I got this:


Finally, I try to touch the screen to make something happen and the screen goes full black


Any ideas on how to fix this?

I already tried:

- revoke access of the device from evernote web

- delete the app and install again

- change password

Help :) 

Thanks a lot


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  • Level 5

My conclusions:

You are on a Free account.

You tried to use EN on more devices than allowed (which is 2).

I am afraid you already used up the allowed number of unsyncs per 30 days, which is as well 2 unsyncs.


Do you still have one working device ? Or are they all locked already ?

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