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Context: laptop, running Windows 10

I'm a long-time user, I use Evernote every day. I have pasted content into thousands of Evernote notes.

Suddenly, today, I cannot paste anything into Evernote.

I copied some text, went to paste it into an existing note -- nothing happened. The cursor remains at the same location, nothing is pasted in.

I pasted the same copied text into Word. It pasted in correctly. Copied the text from Word, tried to paste into Evernote. Same result , nothing happened.

I pasted the same copied text into Excel. It pasted in correctly. Copied the text from Excel, tried to paste into Evernote. Same result , nothing happened.

I pasted the same copied text into Notepad. It pasted in correctly. Copied the text from Notepad, tried to paste into Evernote. Same result , nothing happened.

I tried to paste the text into a new note. Same result -- nothing happened.

I exited Evernote, logged back in. Same result.

I exited everything, rebooted the laptop, logged back in. Same result.

So, the copied text is on the clipboard, and can be pasted into other applications. But it won't paste into Evernote.

Sometimes, paste problems can be overcome by pasting into another app, such as Word, Excel, Notepad, copying from that app and then pasting into Evernote. But, as detailed above, that has not worked this time.

So if the text is on the clipboard, and can be pasted into other apps, but not Evernote, the problem, must lie with Evernote.

Any suggestions for what is causing this, and what can be done about it?




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  • Level 5*

...and:  in addition to the above.  Are you a subscriber?  If so,  definitely contact Support.  If not - have you exceeded any note size limits / upload limits / device limits?

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Thanks for the replies.

It is Windows 10 on a laptop.

Yes, I am a subscriber, but I don’t know offhand which subscription. *Edit: over on the left, it says ‘Subscription: PREMIUM’

I didn’t know there was official support. Last time I had an issue, I thought I had been told the ‘support’ was here. I have now sent a message to support. I’ll wait and see what they say.



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Thanks to everyone who replied. Just as mysteriously as Evernote stopped working for pasting content in, it has now started working again.

I did nothing, Evernote was actually open from when it last failed to paste, to when it started again.

Not looking to spend more work or time on this, so I'm just going to move on.

Thanks again.

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