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Evernote cripitografou minha nota automaticamente o que fazer?

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Olá estou com um bloco de notas que utilizo como tarefa, ocorre que ao acessar o arquivo o mesmo estava criptografado com mensagem para utilizar senha para descriptografar.

Como não criptografei não tenho senha para decriptografar.

Tentei usar a senha de usuário e nada. Troquei a senha de usuário e nada.

Gostaria de usa solução tendo em vista que não criptografei a nota e ela criptografou automaticamente. Talvez um bug?

Aguardo, pois são informações importantes do meu serviço.


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  • Level 5*

Hi. Please post a screenshot of the message you are seeing so that we can confirm we understand your question correctly.

It is not possible for a note to encrypt itself. If you create a test note and encrypt its text content, you will see warnings that there is no way to recover the password.

You could try using Note History to find an earlier version of the note before it was encrypted, but if you do not have the password the note will stay locked.

Information about :

encryption - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005547

note history - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313858



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  • Level 5

In general you can’t encrypt a notebook. You can’t crypt a complete note either. You can’t encrypt a lot of content, like an attachment, a task, a picture or even no bulleted or numbered list, and no checklist.

The only thing you can encrypt is plain text inside of a note. The encryption is very strong - if you do not have the password, it can’t be recovered.

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  • 1 month later...

Yes! the text of an important note is blocked by an encrypted password, it happens that I never did that procedure. And now I can't access the text. Is it some kind of bug? Are there any passwords to try using when this occurs? I look forward to hearing from you and thank you in advance for your help.

Captura de tela 2023-05-17 135020.jpg

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  • Evernote Expert

I've never seen any reports of encryption happening by some mysterious process.  I have seen users encrypt text in error by typing Ctrl+Shift+X in error and then whatever they next typed became the password.

So, whatever happened to encrypt this text, it is locked and unrecoverable except that if the text existed in an unencrypted state for a short period before the accident it may be possible to restore a copy using Note History.  This is a paid subscription function but might be worth paying for a month if you are currently on a Free plan.

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