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Missing security options

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Since "new" Evernote arrived, it's been a huge disappointment, and I'm reminded about this every time I'm being charged for my Premium subscription. 

Missing features, which were available in the "old" EN, are still decent print settings or being able to set spell checking in various languages. I can't understand why those pretty basic were not included in "improved" EN whereas it includes tons of completely useless ones.

Today logging in into EN in my browser I realized how outdated the security on EN is. The only available double authentication method is the SMS. There's no authenticator app or an U2F security key which should be a normal thing given that you tend to store sensitive information in EN. 

I really doubt EN will ever be truly good service again. What I don't doubt is that it's going to get more expensive. 

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I have a TOTP (time-based one-time password) set for my account, and have for years. Just tested it again in an incognito window. I wonder why you don't see that option?

I agree on the U2F key, that would be nice. There's been a feature request active for that for almost a decade. Feel free to add an additional vote!


Also, I started an overlapping feature request related to the risk of using SMS text verification due to "SIM swap" attacks (and lately increasingly sophisticated phishing schemes as well.) It's duplicative but feel free to drop a vote here too if you like:


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  • Evernote Expert
2 hours ago, lukaszw said:

Today logging in into EN in my browser I realized how outdated the security on EN is. The only available double authentication method is the SMS. There's no authenticator app or an U2F security key which should be a normal thing given that you tend to store sensitive information in EN. 

You say that you pay for your Evernote subscription. If so you can use a 2FA authentication app. I use it all the time. Free users are limited to SMS only.

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