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Please tell me Apple Script

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I 'm wondering if it would be possible to use Apple Script to get a list of notes in a particular notebook and generate them in a new note with a title and URL.

error alert
class nameがあるべきところですがapplication constant または considerationが見つかりました。

tell application "Evernote"
	set noteList to every note of default notebook
	repeat with currentNote in noteList
		set noteTitle to title of currentNote
		set noteCreatedDate to creation date of currentNote
		set noteModifiedDate to modification date of currentNote
		set noteTags to tags of currentNote
		set noteURL to note link of currentNote
		-- ノート情報を表示する
		display dialog "Title: " & noteTitle & return & "Created Date: " & noteCreatedDate & return & "Modified Date: " & noteModifiedDate & return & "Tags: " & noteTags & return & "URL: " & noteURL
	end repeat
end tell

I 'm not good at writing English, but I would like to make a note like this.


スクリーンショット 2023-03-23 23.19.45.png

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