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PDF text gets blurry when in annotation mode

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I googled the issue and saw people reported about this over 5 years ago...

The issue remained unsolved apparently. What are you planning to do? The feature is useless to me as of now. What is pretty unfortunate.

The PDF is is absolutely fine when I load it into Evernote and it shows everything in good resolution. When I click on annotate suddenly the text of the PDF is blurry and some parts of the letters are missing. The blurriness gets better when I zoom in to 300% but then I read kind of word by word - No way to work that way. Further, the issue that parts of the letters disappear remains no matter what zoom level I pick.

When will this be resolved? Its too bad that such a sweet app cannot work with PDF files properly. Its a key feature ! 

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  • Evernote Expert

There is no 'you' here.  We are mostly fellow users.  So we can sympathise or, sometimes, provide ways to tackling issues but if you want to address Evernote staff you should submit feedback from the apps or open a support ticket to be sure your concern is noted.

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  • Level 5

Just to add an aspect: The annotation tool is rather old - it still uses pixel based, rather rough graphics. The app Skitch was bought by EN way back, sort of integrated, but never modernized.

You really feel it’s age - there are better tools to annotate a pdf. On my Mac I use the build in Preview app. The pdf opens directly from EN, and is saves directly back into the file stored in the note.

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