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Is Evernote and Livescribe seamless?

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I'm considering buying a livescribe smart pen and an Evernote subscription.  I like the idea that I could take all kinds of notes across multiple devices and seamlessly integrate my livescribe experience.  I'm not finding any information on what that would look like or how seamless (or not so seamless) the experience would be.

Does anyone have any information or experiences to share?


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  • Level 5*

Hi.  Not seen much comment about livescribe in the forums,  though you could try the search feature.  Some members use GoodNotes from which you could export a note or notebook complete with full OCR and search ability, as a pdf. It's possible to continue annotating it in Evernote, but to make changes, you'd have to go back to GoodNotes.

Worthy of mention - also see  Nebo.app & LectureNote

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  • Evernote Expert

Have you seen anything to suggest that Livescribe and Evernote should work together?

I've not seen any reference to use of Livescribe with Evernote? 

You might find some ideas on Livescribe discussions.

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