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The situation is very similar to here:

But that thread got closed because no one said "me too". Well, "me too".

No biggie. I just wrote on the damn thing for about an hour!


Details: I had not used the phone app in a while. Have been using the web app instead. Today, I use the phone app in the doctor's waiting room. I write the note on the phone, then save and close the phone altogether because I had been summoned by the doctor. About an hour later, I open the phone again and "go back" in Evernote: from note-detail to home / dashboard. There, it shows the title but not the content yet. Then I manually sync via [Settings › Sync]. Success message. I go back to the dashboard and my note is gone. Gone in dashboard. Gone in notebook. It is still listed under tag, but the note-detail page shows no content.

Activity Log shows me (if I scroll up a lot), "Demand fetch. Note {id} not found on service. Possibly lost access", many "Note not found" errors, and an "IncrementalSyncActivityError". Here is an excerpt of the log showing the moment it happened. I hope that's enough info. There's so much, I wasn't sure where to cut.


Evernote 10.44.1 (1127497)


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