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Completed Tasks in table

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Has anyone tried to get evernote or some other tool (IFTTT) to take completed tasks and place them in a table with the date completed?

How are people handling a list of tasks (80) and due dates?  A view/search/report?

For example i have this chart I use to track recurring tasks but would like to have each one a task and when completed it is tracked in a matrix similar to this.  

Water Consumption 1 gal
E2M Exercise
No Snacks after 630
No Candy
12000 steps
Sermon Prep
Planning with Bev
Household project
purchase truck
Read a book 1/2 hour
Labwork 11-21-2022
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Hi.  Evernote tasks are pretty much self-contained at the moment - they're accessible as part of notes,  and can be linked to a calendar;  but I can think of any way to generate this sort of a breakdown.  More functionality is going to come,  but what and when is unknown.

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