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iPhone 14 Pro Camera Uses Wrong Camera Lens

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I commonly take pictures of labels and tags in Evernote, which is best at a fairly close distance.  However, when doing so using the camera from within Evernote for iOS, the camera will not focus on the label or tag.  It’s as if the camera is locked into a “far away” focus setting and has no way to shift its focus to something closer.  It’s not so close that I would expect a “macro” setting.  I didn’t experience this problem with my iPhone XR from which I just transitioned.  Any insight or help would be greatly appreciated.  Also, I’m aware of the work around of just using the iOS camera app and then adding the images in Evernote from the photo library.  That’s not ideal because it just requires more taps, and more importantly, adds the task of cleaning out my photo library of all the pictures I only wanted in Evernote.


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  • Level 5

Maybe it is similar to other apps that had camera problems with iPhone 14 and iOS 16. Did you already install the latest iOS release Apple rushed to fix camera issues ?

If not this should be the next step.

If the problem persists, contact support.

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BASboy, I too see a similar problem in other apps now.  I don’t want this thread to drift away from Evernote, but I’m seeing the same thing you’re observing I’m other apps that use the main camera system.  Perhaps the new apple camera in the iPhone 14 Pro requires the app developers like Evernote to update their apps.  I suspect those might be the circumstances.  As with any other new hardware feature, whether it be FaceID or additional lenses in a camera system, it’s on the 3rd party app developer to update their app for the new hardware.

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Apple just dropped iOS 16.0.3, which has this fix: "Camera may be slow to launch or switch between modes on iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro Max." -- That is the issue I am seeing with my iPhone 14 Pro Max on Evernote document scans and other apps that do document scanning. Hopefully this will fix the issue.

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I’m having the same experience here after updating to 16.0.3.  It’s as if the camera operates in a fixed focus mode from Evernote.  Unless you move the camera to the correct distance, it will be out of focus.  Or said another way, there is no focus by the camera, only by the user moving the camera to a specific distance, which renders the user incapable of framing things appropriately without all the taps required to crop the image after-the-fact.  And then some details may be lost by the distance alone (e.g. really fine print). I Iook forward to Evernote fixing this soon.


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  • 3 weeks later...

As of October 30, 2022 iOS 16.1 on iPhone Pro 14 is still having this same problem. I am no longer able to process business cards through Evernote on iPhone 14 Pro as every image is out of focus. Evernote iOS app is up to date. This needs to be addressed as I have lost all camera functionality through Evernote.

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I’ll let everyone know what I learn as well. I too submitted a support ticket, and have uploaded my log and a video showing Evernote’s failure to focus.  For coordination in resolving this problem, my support ticket number is 3587249 and Joe S. is the person helping me.

  • Thanks 1
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  • 4 weeks later...
19 hours ago, William K HK said:

I found that I have the same issue with iPhone 14 Pro with iOS 16.0.2, did they update anything in your support ticket?

They closed the ticket after saying they would escalate the issue to the developers. So, no resolution.

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Same here.  I haven’t heard anything and my ticket supposedly reached the next level as well. There seems a first line of tech support, the function of which may be to simply screen for user error, or tee it up for the the folks that actually have the expertise to fix the problem.  There might even be another bureaucratic layer that decides the priority of problems and allocates the expertise accordingly.   I expected a more timely fix to their app’s failure to focus the camera of a new iPhone model.

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  • Level 5

If they use one older SDK not supporting the new lineup of iPhones, it can take a while to replace it. The older Phones still need to work with it as well.

If the camera function is located in the framework part of the app, the overhaul will likely take even longer.

Use another working camera app, and share / import the picture meanwhile.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 11/24/2022 at 8:43 AM, PinkElephant said:

If they use one older SDK not supporting the new lineup of iPhones, it can take a while to replace it. The older Phones still need to work with it as well.

If the camera function is located in the framework part of the app, the overhaul will likely take even longer.

Use another working camera app, and share / import the picture meanwhile.

Thanks for this suggestion, but this doesn't work for me.

The reason is I have a lot of business cards from events, and need to leverage the auto create contact features in Evernote. Creating a new note and importing the picture doesn't help in this way and break my current workflow.

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  • Level 5

Then use a different app for the business cards. Personally I use CamCard.

To nudge EN into action, you can issue a support ticket. I would use the option in the iOS app after creating a BC scan. This will attach an activity log to the ticket.

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