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Imported PDFs not displaying...

Go to solution Solved by PinkElephant,

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Hi-I am using Evernote 10.45.18 on my M1 MBP running Monterey. I have some PDFs I want to put into Evernote and they are saved on my desktop. When I either drag and drop or Import they are not displaying the note-I have to open the note up in Preview. What am I doing wrong?? Thank you for any help you give me... 

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You should be able to get a little popup menu to show above the attachment when you click on it. Click the three dots '...' and then select to view as 'Single Page' or 'All Pages'. Evernote will remember your selection from then on out for that specific PDF, but they always default to "Attachment" when you first add them.


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How big is the file size of that pdf? There might be a limit to displaying it inline if it is over a certain size would be my guess.

Here is a related thread:

Checking a few of my own pdf attachments it looks like I am able to have up to a 46 MB PDF attachment be inline, but when I tried it on one that was 73 MB, I didn't see those inline menu options either.

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Hmmm... For example, I have 1 PDF @ 81mb, 2 @ 60mb, 1 @ 42mb and another @52 mb. The 2 smaller sized ones display but as you found out, it's the size that is the limit... Darn. In the Legacy version I am running they all display properly (at least in my opinion).

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One must keep in mind that the new version downloads a lot from the server.

If you have in a note 82 + 60 + 52 + 42 MB = 226MB, this would need to be downloaded just because you open the note. There would be a notable delay. So EN decided to display only smaller files automatically inline, and large ones on demand.

In this specific case you are even close to the note size limit of 200MB. This may complicate things further.

Edited by PinkElephant
Note size corrected
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