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Evernote Web version / How to adjust the menu for creating a new Note

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Dear forum,

my question is as follows:

When I am using the Evernote web version and I want to create a new note: For this I click on the green button "create" on the left side and then a small pop-up menu appears, asking me if I want to create a task or a note.

But I never use Evernote to create any tasks .. and therefore I don't want to be offered to make this decision between creating a task or new note. 
Is it not possible to adjust the menu, so Evernote web version would not ask me this question? For the mobile app I know how to adjust this ... there it is possible to tailor the shape of menu ... but for the web version, how can I adjust this there?

I am using a paid version of Evernote .. but still didnt find the way how I could adjust this,

Thank you very much !!

best regards

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