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Search doesn't find visio-files with filename:vsdx

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The filename: syntax certainly doesn't appear in the official search grammar document, although this is very out of date. There are references to it in the forums 10 years ago. A word of caution though. I got the following numbers of hits when searching for pdf files

contains:filePdf 928 hits (same as filtering for files containing a pdf attachment)
*.pdf 895 hits including some with just a reference to a file and no actual file
filename:pdf 204 hits

I think @eric99 's suggestion is a good one although you may get some false positives which you will need to weed out.

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5 hours ago, Mike P said:

The filename: syntax certainly doesn't appear in the official search grammar document, although this is very out of date. There are references to it in the forums 10 years ago. A word of caution though. I got the following numbers of hits when searching for pdf files

contains:filePdf 928 hits (same as filtering for files containing a pdf attachment)
*.pdf 895 hits including some with just a reference to a file and no actual file
filename:pdf 204 hits

I think @eric99 's suggestion is a good one although you may get some false positives which you will need to weed out.

Yeah, this is the best work around there is. Of course the search may generate some false positives indeed.

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Thank you all!

Good idea @PinkElephant: filename:“vsdx“

I just tried the quotation marks, sorrry to say that it didn't work. There isn't even one hit.


another good idea @eric99: "A search for vsdx (without filename:) seems to work"

Yes, but I only get the notes which contain plain text "vsdx". It doesn't find the notes with the attachments of Visio-Files :- (


Thank you all a lot!


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3 hours ago, konsultisto said:

Thank you all!

another good idea @eric99: "A search for vsdx (without filename:) seems to work"

Yes, but I only get the notes which contain plain text "vsdx". It doesn't find the notes with the attachments of Visio-Files :- (


Thank you all a lot!


I tested it on my windows client with an attached file with extension vsdx, and it does find the note with that file in it

What client do you use?


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  • Level 5

Just ran another test. The filename:xxxx command (if it is a command at all) is for sure not reliable.

Just tried it with filename:xlsx and compared the result with a filter on office files contains:fileOffice , which is the same as selecting the filter from the filter function. Sure, Office is more than just Excel, but by opening the notes it is possible to check what is in there.

The filename search brought up only a fraction of the notes the fileOffice found, and it positively missed a lot of notes with xlsx-files.

So even if there is a not documented search parameter filename: , it is worth nothing, because it is not reliable in its use.

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