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PC version is ok but Andriod phone version is not ok?

Charley Hyun


Dear Evernote

I have been using this about 10 years but now under pressure for the renewal request from Evernote. It just happened my credit card renewal.

The point is as below.

-In web version, all ok

-In my mobile phone (Android, Samsing Note 20 Unltra version), I can not upload at the designated "Notebook" with my previoulsy  made "Tag"s.

 In mobile version, Evernote does not/could not retrieve my designated "Notebook", previoulsy I have about 5 Notebooks but now reduced them into only one. But still Evernote in my  mobile phone could not find my Notebook while the web version at my PC is working all right.

 Also, Tags could not be found like the said "Noteboo" finding.

I want to use Evernote for ever but the above problem is very serious issue for me as I spend most of time out side of my house.

Please let me know the current status with Andriod phone enviroment. I heard that Apple has no problem with this but not sure as I do not have Apple phone.

You are the one in charge of the Evernote operation and I hope to know my issue could be resolved soon.

Hoping to use Evernote again for ever.


Charley (Chul Hee) Hyun from Korea

ID: gramkorea@gmail.com

for an easy communication, please send/reply me at charley_hyun@hotmail.com as the ID mail is overloaded with many spam mails.

M: 82 10 4730 7480

Remark: I was a big fan of Evernote but these days I lost my confidence in Evernote a bit as the problem is not being cared and resolved. My current Notebook has about 43,000 scrapping notes with (too) many tags. 

This is my third try to ask for help and hope this would be my last try before...

Thank you Evernote.








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Hi.  By posting your email addresses in a public forum you are likely to generate a lot more spam to add to your collection.  Please edit your post to delete personal information.  In any event this is a mainly user-supported forum and not a direct link to Evernote staff.

We can say that Evernote will not be able to guarantee that your personal Android can access the app correctly - it may depend on how new is your phone / what version of Android OS you have / how many other apps are active at one time / how good is your connection to the network.

Evernote have a lot of Android users,  and while they all agree that it would be nice to have a faster app,  most of them still find it usable.  If you are having issues please do contact Support - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new or https://twitter.com/evernotehelps


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