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Convert tasks back to text / bullet points / checklist

Go to solution Solved by Boot17,

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I know how to convert a bullet list to a task list easily.  Is it also possible to convert a task list to either a bullet list or checklist?  Either because of mistakenly changing the wrong set of bullets to tasks, or because of changing work flow (or any other reason!).  I use desktop Windows version primarily.


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Highlight all the tasks and then Ctrl-X to cut (or Cmd-X on Mac), then paste them back with Ctrl-Shift-C (or Cmd-Shift-C on Mac) -- this is the "Paste and match style" command -- make sure you have the 'Shift' key pressed. This will paste the text content of all the tasks as plain text. Then you can highlight what you just pasted and set them as a check list or bullet list.

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