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(Archived) Copy Encrypted text

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I have data that has been encrypted by EN.

Most of them are passwords. (In a Local Notebook)

If I need to access any of that text, I right-click on it, and choose 'Show Encrypted text...'

Once I have entered the password, the text appears.

At that point, all I can do with that text is look at it. Right clicking is disabled, as is hilighting.

If I leave the note it re-encrypts.

Is there a way you can have it so when we show text, we can at least right-click and copy it?

There is about 0% useability with the text as it is set up now.


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Which client are you using. I did a quick test with the current Windows release, and it allowed me to select the text after decrypting (using the mouse). Then I was able to copy that using Control-C , although it looks like there's no right-click menu when you're clicking on this selected text.

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