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(Archived) Mac Ink Support coming?

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Hi All,

I've been searching around for a bit and I can't seem to find any information on this... I'm a big EN fan, and have used it on my peecee's for as long as I've known about it, but being a switcher as of about 3 years ago, EN is the one piece of software that I can't seem to replace.. but I *need* Ink support for lightweight diagraming (it'd also be nice to combine ink and text in the same note for placing notes on drawings I make by hand) -

Anyhow, I was just wondering if anyone can shed some light as to if and when us Mac users will see full ink support.


- Gary

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We plan to add support for Mac ink rendering in the near future, so that you can display ink notes taken on our Windows or Pocket PC applications.

The ability to create full ink notes on the Mac is a little further out on our schedule ... Apple hasn't ever released a Tablet MacBook or anything like that, so this feature would only be valuable to the (smaller) group of people that have add-on tablet peripherals. We're definitely interested in this -- we think we have the best ink technology on the planet -- but it's a ways down on our (long) list of things to do.

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