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What is local, and what isn't? (IOS)

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On my iPad, I have Evernote set to download all Notebooks.

When I select the Notebooks screen, all show a count, some show the count plus a little down arrow, some show a gray line, partially green, some show just the count.

I'm not sure how to interpret what I am seeing:
- the gray/green line means notes are being downloaded to my iPad?
- the down arrow means they need to be downloaded to my iPad?
- nothing but the count means they are already on my iPad?

Randomly opening notes after turning off WiFi, almost all open, but some with PDFs have a down arrow in the PDF icon showing they need to be downloaded, so can't be opened.

Ever since v10, I have never seen the Notebook list without at least some green lines. Is there any way to get all notes and their attachments onto my iPad?

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  • Level 5

Grey bar: Still needs to load, download waiting (all grey) or ongoing (when there is a green part)
Often there is a solid green bar, with a little tip in grey. Only a few notes are then missing.

Green bar: Downloaded part, download ongoing

Grey down arrow: Recently downloaded, completed

Nothing but the count, switch is on for download: downloaded
Once you switch to download, the grey bar appears, turns into green, and is replaced by the down arrow when done.

I have not found out yet when the down arrow disappears.

The initial download can take a lot of time (several nights for me, with autolockscreen turned off, iPad on a charger and EN the active app). When this is done, updating new notes usually happens while the app is used.

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