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先日、機種変更しました。iphone promax11⇒iphone promax13です。


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  • Level 5

There is a device limit, and there is a limit on how many unsyncs are possible per month.

The regular process would have been to first log out of your account on the old device, then use the other registered device to unsync it, to be down to only 1 synced device. Then you can safely log into EN on the new device and get it registered.

From what you describe you have used up the allowed unsyncs, probably while trying. Now you can’t unsync any more, and there are still more than 1 device registered in your account. You can check in account information, tab devices.

You have 2 options now: Wait for 30 days until the device limit resets automatically, or subscribe to lift the block immediatedly. It should return to work approximately within 24 hours after subscribing (faster when paying directly, slower through the AppStore).

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