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Change background color for a note...!?

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12 hours ago, wolffnoteDACH said:

it possible to change the background color of a note

Not... exactly?  Create a 1x1 table change the table color.  Enjoy.  (Or not.)  Otherwise - No.

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You used to be able to change the background colour of a note using external apps like the Alternote Chrome extension. While it seems to still work in Alternote the colour is not rendered in V10 - I haven't looked at whether it works in legacy.

We are of course back to the old debate as to where in the spectrum between a simple text editor (e.g. notepad) and a word processor (e.g. word) a notetaking app should sit. Users will disagree - one users "essential feature" is anothers example of "feature bloat". The great advanatage of EN is that attached word documents, while sadly not  viewable without opening, are searched (on paid subscriptions). Proper embedding of word docs or even Google docs so they could be read within the note (like pdfs are) would be amazing.


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You are right. I am well aware of such discussions. And you are also right that EN has some really good features which are worth sticking to it... This is why I will try to adjust my wishes to the existing possibilities... 😉

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