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Option to change layout/look of Evernote desktop?



Posted (edited)

I freaking hate this rounded and spaced out look EN has now. I want EN to have it's fancy new features (if they will work correctly) but still have the old look on the desktop. Clean, utilitarian, no wasted space. I don't need giant fonts and empty space! I freaking hate looking at evernote now whether it's on my desktop or online. The Android app is ok I guess. But it's not one of my favorites either. 

I don't even have any complaints about broken features in recent updates because honestly I haven't been using it much. I scan in documents to save them, they are automatically added to a notebook. I've had to look for a few things over the last few months but otherwise I have stayed out of it. I'm a long time subscriber, for many years. I have preached the word about the miracle of Evernote. I'm not preaching any longer. I am looking for alternatives. That's how bad I hate this interface. Can they please create an option to keep the 'classic look'?

Edited by VLKirkpatrick
Claritication after move to request forum
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6 replies to this idea

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On 3/11/2022 at 8:56 PM, VLKirkpatrick said:

Can they please create an option to keep the 'classic look'?

I can move this thread to a Feature Request (votable) thread if you'd like - no one here is likely to know whether or not Evernote has any plans for different skins for the app,  but I'd think it will be a low priority - there are plenty of other minor issues to clear up before we get to which font they use...

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1 minute ago, VLKirkpatrick said:

I was mostly venting my frustration. 

;)  That's pretty standard around here...  Item moved:  you might want to change the subject/ title a bit to something like "Allow users to choose layout options" or some such...

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Looking at it from the facts, I don’t expect any significant change to the GUI to happen. We are talking about „look & feel“, and forget that there is background action:

- use of standard design elements, maybe anchored in the underlying framework, used over and again

- interaction of visual elements and the code called up, especially when arguments are passed on or results displayed

- performance issues when always a „fork“ question needs to be answered before displaying a reaction to user input

My conclusion: You will need to accept the new design language - or if you can’t stand it, switch to a different app.

Personally I avoid Microsoft apps, because I can’t stand their boring ribbons and boxes. So I think I understand what you feel. Don’t feed false expectation of a redesign of the GUI - if it does not spark joy, it is up to you to live with it, or take a decision.

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On 11. 3. 2022 at 21:56, VLKirkpatrick said:

Strašne nenávidím tento zaoblený a rozmiestnený vzhľad, ktorý teraz EN má. Chcem, aby EN mala svoje fantastické nové funkcie (ak budú fungovať správne), ale stále majú starý vzhľad na pracovnej ploche. Čistý, účelný, žiadny zbytočný priestor. Nepotrebujem obrie fonty a prázdne miesto! Strašne nenávidím, keď sa teraz pozerám na evernote, či už je to na pracovnej ploche alebo online. Aplikácia pre Android je myslím v poriadku. Ale ani to nepatrí medzi moje obľúbené. 

Nemám ani žiadne sťažnosti na nefunkčné funkcie v posledných aktualizáciách, pretože som to úprimne príliš nepoužíval. Dokumenty naskenujem, aby som ich uložil, automaticky sa pridajú do poznámkového bloku. Za posledných pár mesiacov som musel hľadať pár vecí, ale inak som sa tomu vyhýbal. Som dlhodobým predplatiteľom, dlhé roky. Kázal som slovo o zázraku Evernote. Už viac nekážem. Hľadám alternatívy. Takto zle neznášam toto rozhranie. Môžu, prosím, vytvoriť možnosť zachovať „klasický vzhľad“?

Old discussion, but I fully understand you.  I'm probably going to have to buy a bigger monitor for this, because I have Permanente Evernote on a separate 24 inch portrait monitor, and in the new version 10 it doesn't fit everything reasonably at 1200 pixels wide

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