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Legacy still working better for me than V10+

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I previously posted on this topic just over a year ago after a disastrous initial experience with V10 (Link Below). Since then I have been continuing to use the Legacy version and occasionally dip into the new V10 App to see if its becoming more workable for me. Up to now, unfortunately not.

I use Evernote for my work. Most notes are pdf documents or other large files and I find the ability to easily drag an drop, tag sort and filter my files invaluable. I still have many issues with V10+ but by far the biggest gripe is that its very slow. Legacy is instantaneous and for mainly this reason I am continuing with it for now.

I appreciate there are many use cases for Evernote and I'm sure there are many happy users of V10 . I don't use it for task management and I don't need calendar integration. I mostly  use it in a desktop environment. (I use it even less now on my mobile devices than before.)

I'm no expert but it seems that due to the way the New Evernote has been built it may never be as fast and slick as the old desktop legacy version.

I am concerned that I am using unsupported software for my professional work . Ive been looking for alternatives and am considering Nimbus. So far Evernote legacy is still preferential to Nimbus in terms of design and features

My greatest wish would be for Evernote to continue to develop the old version.

Assuming this scenario does not arise I guess I will continue to look for alternatives to Evernote legacy....




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A small part of the reason that the Legacy appears so much quicker than v10 is because the sync/save process in Legacy is to a local database.  That, in turn syncs to the cloud on the sync schedule you select in the program options. In effect sync feels like it is in the background.  v10 syncs as it goes along. So drop a PDF into a note and it immediately syncs in the foreground.

That way of working isn't going to change in v10. So if Legacy works well for you then keep on using it. You are right to conclude that the Legacy program isn't going to get any further development. v10 is moving forward and performance is an issue that continues to gain attention.

Legacy will probably work until your OS breaks it. So, I anticipate that one day Apple/Microsoft will update their OS and Legacy will cease to work because of the OS changes. Best to have determined your future with note taking before that happens.

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Yup.  I'm using 6.25 on Windows,  and 8.13 on Android (both pre-legacy) plus -no choice- v10 on Web.  I also dipped a toe into v10 on Linux Beta.  Evernote is still an unparalleled catch-all for files, clips and email although I continue underwhelmed by v10's speed.  Like you I'm hanging on in hopes of improvement,  while looking around for options.  Some new betas look promising,  though the actual costs are unknown until a production version is launched.  It would be enormously expensive for Evernote to revisit the 'old'  versions now,  so I think all hopes depend on further development of v10 finding a 'go faster' button they missed so far.  I've seen at least one report that Legacy works on Windows 11,  so it seems like I'm safe for as long as Evernote leave Legacy operational.  I guess we'll see what the rest of this year brings...

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I also much prefer Legacy as it is so much faster than EN10

So I'm happily using Legacy but an occassional issue I have is that EN10 will repeatedly pop up and make usage of Legacy impossible

This is despite unticking Check for Updates in Legacy and also uninstalling EN10. I guess it is being installed again in the background and its appearance is to try and push people onto the newer version

Anyone have any suggestions on how to stop this unwanted EN10 behaviour?

Very close to giving up on EN for something like Joplin (free and open source) or AmpleNotes as at least they are fast and usable still. Such a shame that EN has taken this new direction as it used to be the best



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You can have both v10 and Legacy installed at the same time. The best option if you go that route is to install v10 and then reinstall the Legacy. You should thereafter have full access to Legacy. The only thing to be aware of is that both versions may attempt to take over keyboard shortcuts. In that case, disable them in the version of EN you don't typically use - v10 for you.

Otherwise, completely uninstall both versions of Evernote and locate an installer for the last release version prior to Legacy. Install and then disable Check for Updates. I suspect that the Legacy version will attempt to persuade you to switch from time to time. That makes sense in that v10 is the future for EN (like it or not) and one day Legacy will stop - probably because your OS no longer supports it.

I've browsed and used many of the alternative products and none provide what I need and all required as big a transition of workflow as adopting v10. I'm now settled with EN v10 and pressing for the final fixes so that I can uninstall Legacy. I have only one process that I need that Legacy remains a better option for.

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Personally, I rarely if ever open Legacy. However, I do not routinely select and work on lots of notes or tags at the same time which is still not up to an acceptable standard. There are some things which are a pain (copying an image from EN for example) but not enough to make me go back to Legacy. 

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2 hours ago, qwazerty said:

which is?

Printing. I have just one note that I print to have a paper copy available for reference. I update it a couple of times a year. Otherwise I'm paperless.

I know others use Legacy for doing work on multiple notes. But that works well enough in v10 for me as I rarely do more than three notes in a multiple task.

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2 hours ago, agsteele said:

I know others use Legacy for doing work on multiple notes.

In my experience v10 just kills the weaker of the two laptops I use,  so I stick with (pre) Legacy - and I don't want to install it on the other to avoid forever having to adjust muscle memory from one to t'other.  Evernote's last blog says they're working on syncing and speed though,  so fingers crossed...

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14 hours ago, agsteele said:

You can have both v10 and Legacy installed at the same time. The best option if you go that route is to install v10 and then reinstall the Legacy. You should thereafter have full access to Legacy. The only thing to be aware of is that both versions may attempt to take over keyboard shortcuts. In that case, disable them in the version of EN you don't typically use - v10 for you.

Otherwise, completely uninstall both versions of Evernote and locate an installer for the last release version prior to Legacy. Install and then disable Check for Updates. I suspect that the Legacy version will attempt to persuade you to switch from time to time. That makes sense in that v10 is the future for EN (like it or not) and one day Legacy will stop - probably because your OS no longer supports it.

I've browsed and used many of the alternative products and none provide what I need and all required as big a transition of workflow as adopting v10. I'm now settled with EN v10 and pressing for the final fixes so that I can uninstall Legacy. I have only one process that I need that Legacy remains a better option for.

Thanks for that - I have had both versions installed at once but I think there is something odd going on. Not only does EN10 always take the focus away from Legacy, but it also happens when I'm trying to work in the browser; it will jump back to EN10 all the time.

Will try uninstalling both versions once again and using the release prior to Legacy. If that doesn't work then time to switch to something else. For me, it is not so much the features as the speed that is the major issue - EN10 is unbearably slow to work with (and I have a speedy laptop and internet connection). 

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13 hours ago, RobPenfold said:

... there is something odd going on. Not only does EN10 always take the focus away from Legacy, but it also happens when I'm trying to work in the browser; it will jump back to EN10 all the time...

Will try uninstalling both versions once again and using the release prior to Legacy. If that doesn't work then time to switch to something else. For me, it is not so much the features as the speed that is the major issue - EN10 is unbearably slow to work with (and I have a speedy laptop and internet connection). 

Sure the two versions should run properly side by side... but yes, somehow i understand your thought "something odd going on".. I have exactly the same suspicious feeling. I mean in my case it is just a thought, something makes me feel a bit worrying, suspicious actions that let me check very often if the database is still complete and all the notes remaining in their place  .... 😁
It might be that way, because I have always full control over my OS. I know in most cases what is going on and what turns wrong, so I am able to fix it. If it comes to Evernote 10 - respectively 10 and Legacy working on the same machine, honestly I have to tell that this is not the case.

I'd like to have some further official statements and explanations how the legacy and the E10 (and above) apps run side by side and what could creates problems. I know, Evernote is not interested convincing users to use the Legacy app at all, which is completely understandable and fine... but a bit more information would be also appreciated as still many of the users use the Legacy app....

Ok, let me open a new topic ☺️


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3 hours ago, p and the elephant flock said:

I'd like to have some further official statements and explanations how the legacy and the E10 (and above) apps run side by side and what could creates problems. I know, Evernote is not interested convincing users to use the Legacy app at all, which is completely understandable and fine... but a bit more information would be also appreciated as still many of the users use the Legacy app....

I would have thought Evernote is highly unlikely to bother with any queries related to the pre-v10 apps - but reading this thread again one thing jumps out;  using v10 and Legacy side by side is probably a humongously bad idea.  Use one or the other,  and by all means if something doesn't work in v10,  go back to Legacy to get it done.  But just like swopping between and making changes on both mobile and desktop is likely to lead to tears before bed,  getting Evernote to update two separate databases on the same machine with the same log-in credentials is definitely edge-case behaviour.

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8 hours ago, gazumped said:

Oh yeah - please don't!

Excuse me? please don't ... what?
Listen, did I ever ask a single question the past 10 years? Did I ever come up with some bull ***** treats while the whole Evernote community and furthermore the whole Tec branch including all those half-wit wannabe nonsense app review-writer reacted like poison snakes to the release.
No, never. I paid my annual subscription and said nothing. So tell me, what would be wrong about asking, if someone needs a few question answered? Legacy or not, its Evernote. If they want me on the subscriber side, making sure I get not annoyed is crucial, no? 

You know what is best? Getting the 10 shedded right now, bann it from my system and continuing working with the Legacy app. Coz then, no questions will remains unanswered at all.... 

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.. and don't expect that I will be one of the guys getting mad and screaming loudly, when the Legacy at a point in the future will be outdated and useless...

I have my backup plan for the future since quite a while. And no, it's not Notion at all. The same mistake will definitely not be made again  ... 🎈

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Just for the record. I uninstalled both EN10 and Legacy, then installed a pre-legacy of version of EN (6.24.2) and so far so good ...

p and the elephant flock - curious what your alternative is as I'll probably be in the same boat when EN stops supporting older versions of its softwar

In passing, the Chrome extension ReClipped is good for making notes on YouTube videos and can export these easily into Evernote. This does require a subscription but relatively modest at around $24/year

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26 minutes ago, p and the elephant flock said:

Excuse me? please don't ... what?

Open a new topic about Legacy not playing well with v10 since we're already talking about it here. 

40 minutes ago, p and the elephant flock said:

Oke, my fault. Not running side by side.. installed side by side .... 

My comments were based on the original post which you seemed to agree with.  If you have a different reason for your suspicious feelings,  please give us some more details. 

My point would remain - far better to work mainly or exclusively on the version you prefer,  and dip into the other app if and when you need to.  Both apps are syncing to and from the server to update each other,  which is going to make for some clunky behaviour.  I'm using a pre-legacy pubic edition (6.25.1) on one machine - as I have for the past several years - and v10 on another,  with occasional dips into the web version on both. 

I've not yet found any errors between the various versions I'm using.  I intend to stick with 6.25.1 until it sunsets - and there's no sign yet that this is likely to happen anytime soon.

As and when that does happen I'll have a decision to make,  in light of whatever comparable apps are available in the market.  I see no reason to commit to anything until I have to - my immediate focus is on the jobs I already have,  not prematurely prepping my note library for departure.

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4 hours ago, RobPenfold said:

In passing, the Chrome extension ReClipped is good for making notes on YouTube videos and can export these easily into Evernote.

I paste the youtube video url into Evernote and play it there and make notes underneath. Only works if you want to make a few notes as otherwise you loose the video of the top of the screen.

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1 hour ago, Mike P said:

I paste the youtube video url into Evernote and play it there and make notes underneath. Only works if you want to make a few notes as otherwise you loose the video of the top of the screen.

Not really: You can make the embedded Youtube video small by clicking on the second symbol from the left side, see screenshot. With that, you can scroll and annontate the note wherever you want without loosing sight of the youtube video 


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14 minutes ago, ghon said:

Not really

I should clarify that I was talking about the Windows desktop version where you can make it small but if your notes are too long you will still loose the video of the top.

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In the original post the poster mentioned that he worked a lot with pdf files and was having issues with drag and drop, tagging, sorting, filtering etc.  I also work extensively with pdf files but have not experienced these issues.  I can drag and drop a pdf into v10 without any issues.  Also, I find that filtering notes is a little easier in v10 than it was in legacy.

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21 hours ago, gazumped said:

Open a new topic about Legacy not playing well with v10 since we're already talking about it here. 

My comments were based on the original post which you seemed to agree with.  If you have a different reason for your suspicious feelings,  please give us some more details. 

My point would remain - far better to work mainly or exclusively on the version you prefer,  and dip into the other app if and when you need to.  Both apps are syncing to and from the server to update each other,  which is going to make for some clunky behaviour.  I'm using a pre-legacy pubic edition (6.25.1) on one machine - as I have for the past several years - and v10 on another,  with occasional dips into the web version on both. 

I've not yet found any errors between the various versions I'm using.  I intend to stick with 6.25.1 until it sunsets - and there's no sign yet that this is likely to happen anytime soon.

As and when that does happen I'll have a decision to make,  in light of whatever comparable apps are available in the market.  I see no reason to commit to anything until I have to - my immediate focus is on the jobs I already have,  not prematurely prepping my note library for departure.

yes ok, will not open a new topic. No questions. I was just a bit pissed ... dun know why. I am not a big fan of discussing about software problems anyway. Very seldom I experience problems and if so, the problem is home made and I am happy to fix it by my self. If I  am not able to do it, I shred and compost and try something else 😁 ...

With Evernote i'd never serious problems or traumatic experience same as others. Something like lost databases **, sync issues, get locked off and lost the PW and when finally in again, the data was not in place or messed up ... and all the funny stories I get to my ears. Of course the shaky shaky, freeze and snowfall issue i know too. And yes, the E10 looks different - hopefully it does. In the meanwhile it got a few clothes and shoes , the undressed 10 was obviously a bit too nude for some folks. At least the forum is quite a comfortable one, so no need to complain 🤪..

** Except once but that was my fault. Luckily I could restore more than half of the inbox with 620 notes in it, which I somehow sent straight to the Nirvana. I was faster than Evernotes sync and could disconnect my second machine from the network. 😃😂

The only thing made me headage was the squeezed database on my machine (compared to the db of the pre-10 area), even with  the Legacy app. My data backups were almost double the size with less content and less notes on Evernote back in time. I thought the Legacy works similar or the same way storing all data in a local db which is synced with the cloud. 
Another strange thing is the way Evernote installs itself on my machine, what strange directories it choose and how many folders it creates. This is my machine and I don't like this invasive behaviour, creating in every corner of the OS a folder for this and that. 

I was removing the 10+ just 30 min a go. The new features are not too bad. I like it. But this eight sec. freeze-away issue for no reason makes me furious 🧟‍♂️
Why not keeping the db locally, same as before? Maybe that would help to speed up everything a bit. And I would be in control of my data.
Centralised cloud based db's are no longer hipp - even if everyone still wants to believe this! Decentralisation and self hosting is the future.
Of course Zuckerberg does not like that. Who cares? In ten years, no one will talk about the nasty boy with too much sunscreen on his visage anyway.... Shredded down the memory hole he will end up....


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  • 1 year later...

Same for me. Legacy still works faster and better. Also now I have to back up each of my notebooks separately which is a real bother to do and takes much longer. Before I could just click on all notes and back it up. Now I can't. So I'll stick with legacy as long as I can they either  fix this or I'll have to fine an alternative although I'm not sure on this.

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You could use the evernote-backup GitHub project which captures all the notes in notebooks and can create the ENEX files.

Legacy will go. So you have time just now to make a plan for the future.


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I was using Legacy due to the problems with V10. However for a while now the latest version of Evernote has been working fast enough, and now quite usable for me. I also use Autohotkey to add in some additional actions beyond the built in keyboard shortcuts so all in all works quite well now.

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