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(Archived) Webpage Clipping - way short of the mark

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I have been playing with whole page web clipping for a few hours now and its is woefully inadequate.

Especially in light of several other products that do it much better.

Yojimbo and DevonThink spring to mind.

Not a single whole page web clipping I have done renders even remotely as presented in the browser originally.

(and I speak of pages with only text and inline images, no flash or embedded content, etc. straight html)

I have seen replies by EN moderators on how tricky and difficult this is.

Apparently it is not so tricky for Yojimbo or DevonThink.

If EN3 (or 1.x for OSX) is really meant to be a universal clipper, would not accurate webarchive creation be a priority?

At best, clipping a whole web page will capture text (not always all of it) and the images, and then renders them in a completely arbitrary way.

Even if I create a webarchive using Yojimbo or DevonThink, importing it into EN still renders the document incorrectly.

Perhaps it is a rendering and not a capturing issue then.

Whichever, until accurate, simple one click whole webpage archiving is implemented, I suspect this will be a show-stopper for many users.

UPDATE 29-04-08 ; Just discovered that YEP, a PDF manager for OSX, has a browser marklet that with one click saves the entire webpage as a PDF and then will send it to the application of your choice. This is another bit of functionality you may want to investigate.

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If you (and hopefully EverNote) want to do PDF web clipping, you should check out Web Snapper from tastyapps.com, it is great. I personally think that EverNote is going to be the app that I use, but in the meantime, I am using Web Snapper to get the PDFs and Yep to manage them.

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If you (and hopefully EverNote) want to do PDF web clipping, you should check out Web Snapper from tastyapps.com, it is great. I personally think that EverNote is going to be the app that I use, but in the meantime, I am using Web Snapper to get the PDFs and Yep to manage them.

Wow. Web Snapper is the bomb. Thank you so much for that. Watched the demo and bought it on sight.

And I am already using Yep, so ya, great combo.


So many apps... so little brain.

EverNote has the potential to be a killer app, a perfect storm of features. Its so close.

If it truly wants to "capture my memories" then integrating a "Web Snapper" toolset is a must.

Otherwise its just more app juggling...

Anyway. Thanks so much for the tip.

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any word on being able to import webarchives into EN while keeping all of the formatting?

Right now, the only solution I see is to convert it to PDF [once PDFs are supported] then import those in, instead of webarchive format?

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