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(Archived) invite for 3 Beta - hard to come by

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Hi group,

I requested invite on Evernote website several hours ago - I guess they don't respond real fast... or at all.

Does anybody still have an extra invite? I need some organizer s/w ASAP and would like to eval Evernote 3 before I decide.


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yeah, I gathered that requesting from Evernote website was a waste of keystrokes...

I was hoping to get an invite from someone on the forum. Anybody??

PM me your email address and I'll send you an invite.

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The whole point with invite only betas is to limit the number of users, of an incomplete product. So even if you sign up, you will only get an invite if they feel the need for more users/testers.

Be patient they are actually very generous with their Invitations!

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