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(Archived) Linking Thunderbird to Evernote

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In response to a previous question about linking Firefox to Evernote, Jeff (jeffito) steered me to Mozilla and its add-ons. I went looking there to see if there's an equivalent add-on for Thunderbird (Mozilla's e-mail client) so as to patch e-mail into Evernote, but found nothing. Anyone know of such a possibility.


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It's by design.

(I raised a ticket on it and that was the response I got. This has changed one of my workflows, because I often go through my email off-line and want to put some of them into Evernote. Now I can only send emails to Evernote when I have an internet connection.)

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Not sure I follow you. If you have an internet connection all you need to do is clip the emails to the EN servers and when you have finished all of your clipping synch to your desktop EN software.

(It's when you don't have an internet connection that the workflow is broken.)

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Yes, if one is content to read and decide on all e-mail online (as we are told in previous posts). The sort of mail I get is text heavy -- clips of articles from all over from a large group of people which I download for eventual reading, filtering and possible clipping.

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