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Shared notebook not updating in real time. What can I do?



Hello I a currently an Evernote Professional user. and so is my assistant. We each have our own account. In order to be productive, I have shared a notebook with all the note I need mi assistant  to work on. When I work on a note and my assistant works on another note in the shared notebook, we notice that it will take some times for the notes to update in the others computer. If I open a note that my assistant is working on I get a bar at the top of the note telling me that someone else is editing the note. But when the other person stops editing the note and I open edited note, I will see the previous UNEDITED note. I takes about 20 to 30 minutes, sometimes more, for the note to be updated on both computers. I would like to know if this is normal and if so,  will EVERNOTE TEAMS solve this issue?  I would like to be able to see an edited note in a shared notebook update in real time. Help please.   


Thanks for your time and effort in my matter. 



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If I understand the process correctly, the shared note needs to up sync first, and then to down sync to the other account and devices. I have observed that sometimes it can take a note in the same account (not shared) up to half an hour before it shows up on another device. The up sync is from my observation not the problem - it is the down sync.

What you could try to better understand the problem: View the notes flow by opening your and your assistants web client. This is the direct view on the server data. Then see when a new or edited note from another client shows on the owners web account, and when it shows on the share-received persons web account. Finally check when it shows up on the client, desktop or mobile. This will give you a better idea about what is going on between the accounts.

Then it is probably time to talk to support.

Regarding Teams no idea - not my pay grade 😌

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On 9/1/2021 at 2:57 AM, PinkElephant said:

What you could try to better understand the problem: View the notes flow by opening your and your assistants web client. This is the direct view on the server data. Then see when a new or edited note from another client shows on the owners web account, and when it shows on the share-received persons web account. Finally check when it shows up on the client, desktop or mobile. This will give you a better idea about what is going on between the accounts.

Your explanation is very good, thank you.

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