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only one device paired, but still can't log in

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Hi Everyone,

I am an Evernote free user. A couple months ago I purchased a new cell phone and added it to my Evernote account. I made sure to revoke access to my old phone. I have previously signed into my account on a couple different laptop computers via the Windows desktop app. But right now, in my account info. I have only my cell phone listed under "Devices." This means I should have a free space to sign in on another device. 

I tried to sign into the Desktop app (double checked that my pw was correct), and I get the message "Permission Denied." I don't understand why this is happening when I only have one device paired. Does anyone have any suggestions? 

Thanks in advance for your help! 

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Thanks for the response. And I apologize if I was in error posting here. 

I don't believe my issue is password-related, though. I think the problem is that the system is having trouble detecting/managing devices.

This may not be something that other users can address either. I'm a pretty casual user, though, and figured that any problem I encounter is likely a common one. 

All that to say, thank you for your help, and I'll keep searching for solutions. 

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  • Level 5

If there is only one device listed, there should not be a devices problem. We had cases when for example a phone was listed twice, but this does not seem the case here.

The „Permission denied“ in fact makes me think of a password problem as well. If you copied the password, maybe try to really type it in. When copying sometimes a hidden character is copied along, invisibly changing the password.

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