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비밀번호 초기화 링크를 받을 메일 주소가 기억나지 않는 경우 어떻게 해야 하나요?

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로그인 할 때, 이메일 주소 혹은 사용자 아이디로 로그인 할 수 있는데 그 중 사용자 아이디만 기억하고 있는 상황입니다.

비밀번호 초기화 링크를 받을 메일 주소가 생각이 안나는데 어떻게 지원을 받아야 할까요?

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After I choose "My Account", any new combo-box was not created while selecting  "Billing and Payments" or "Technical Issues" created new combo-box. So I can't get support ticket🤔


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  • Level 5

Choose whatever option works for you. Just tried with my free account, choose billing and in billing options „Other“.

Below new field are shown, choose „Send email“, click on the button „Issue support ticket“. You see it worked when you get within minutes an automatic return mail with the ticket number.

Tell them the „Account“ option of the web site did not work, since you will now be with the billing department of support.

They need to pass the ticket on to the account guys.

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