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Big bug! Logging more then 2 devices blocked any access at all




I am using the free plan and have two logged devices. The first one is a phone and the second desktop computer. When I vised the www.evernote.com site and logged there as well I lost any access to Evernote from anywhere! The warning message "You already used choose the option which devices should have access in this month (two times)" does not allow me to persist 2 devices as before. I am logged out from anywhere automatically!

Please provide me access to my account for two devices again (phone and desktop). Now I have lost access to every device.

The major question is why you do not have a common email like support@evernote.com? or any form to send private email text? I was forced to issue my problem here in the forum and dispose of my name account to everyone

My email: ranium{att}gmmailcom

Desktop device name: Surface

Mobile: Redme Note Pro 9










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You simply exceeded your accounts limits under the free plan. You did it yourself, so I don’t know about which „big bug“ you are talking here. Everything works as designed, it locked you out.

Log in to the EN web site, got to your account settings, and unsync devices. You need to be down to 2 for use, and to 1 to add another.

There is a restriction on how many unsyncs are possible per month. If you have exceeded this as well, there are only 2 options left: Wait until it resets itself (usually every 30 days), or subscribe. Subscription can be done for a single month.

You are not forced to the forum and place everything here - BTW please edit your post and remove your mail address.

Real people working support cost real money - it is part of the EN rules that with the free plan, you don‘t get personal support. I think this covered it all - wish you success to get your account unlocked.

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