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Feature Request: Tag Suggestion


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  • Level 5
When using the "Assign Tag" window, it would be great is there was a tag search/suggestion feature to make adding tags easier. This could be setup exactly how it is on the Android 2.0 version.

Some people find "Assign Tag" window (Ctrl + Alt + T) useful if the "Hide unassigned tags" box is checked.

But the pop-up window blocks some of the screen.

I find an easier solution is to press F3 to add tags, followed by F8 to hide the note info.

There is no search, but if you type the first letter of a search, it will list tags that begin with that letter.

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I use the F3 method all of the time, but this doesn't help with assigning tags to multiple notes at once. A lot of times I can assign the same 3-4 tags to 5-10 notes, and having to select the 3 tags out of 200 can be a hassle. The search feature for adding tags that is on the Android version would make this task very quick and painless.

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  • 2 years later...

Hi not sure where to put this as a suggestion (let me know so can post future requests) , looking for a feature or app that will search for browswer (firefox) bookmark tags as well as evernote tags (i use same hierarchy) and display side by side - a bit like google search but just tag specific. thanks!

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