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iOS版 10.13.1 (1115424)_iPhoneSE(iOS 14.6).①新規ノートを作成し,「題名」と「本文」の両方に書き込んだ状態.②スマホ電源オフ.③電源オン.①~③の後にEvernoteを見ると「題名」だけ消えます.「本文」はそのまま残ります.左上✔保存しても症状は同じのようです.トラブル回避のためには,電源オフ前にノートリストに行くなど,新規ノート作成画面から一度抜け出すと新規ノート「題名」が確定するようです.外出時に閃いたアイデアを立ち止まった時にノート作成することがあり,新規ノート作成中の状態でスマホ電源オフして次の場所に移動して立ち止まったら継続作業することがあります.こんな時に少し不便を感じます.

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • Level 5

In general make sure EN has synced new or changed content before you switch your iPhone off.

Or close the app before switching the phone off, it probably will conserve the content not yet synced in a memory container.

If you leave the app open and switch the iPhone off, you risk data loss.

Remark: I never switch my iPhone off during the day. If you do so to conserve battery power, maybe search a little on the internet or YouTube for tips about power saving settings. You can extend the battery life by 20-30% if you modify settings for a less power intensive use of system and apps. Example: Do you really NEED to check for new mails every minute - isn’t it enough to do so every 15min ? You can always force a mail sync in between, if you are waiting for something.

Or get the battery replaced if it is older than 3-4 years. Here in Germany an Apple Store will do this in little more than an hour, for 49€.The iphone feels nearly new after it. We still run an iPhone 6 as a backup phone, with a new battery. No problems to live through a day of use, without charging.

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