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Evernote Tasks from MS Outlook Emails



Hi - wondering if someone might be able to show me how or confirm that this isn't an option.

Right now I use Outlook for email, ToDoist for tasks, and Evernote for you know... note taking. I'm excited about adding tasks right into my notes while I take them (I used to through some syncing service, but it doesn't seem work anymore), so thinking about dumping ToDoist, BUT... one of the handiest features of ToDoist was the ability to generate a task from an Outlook email. I know I can port Outlook emails to Evernote, but can we generate a task in Evernote from an Outlook email?

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Not yet, but as you did there is the feature request as a tool.

Just as a general point: I think EN will first focus on features that work for all users, not only for those who use a specific 3rd party software like Outlook.

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