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Missing in tasks for it to be complete




I'm a person that follows GTD and has been using Omnifocus and before it Todoist, so I know that I come from a very complicated place that Evernote is not trying to replace.

With the addition of Tasks you are bringing context to those To-Dos and that it a good thing, but people will only have a task manager and so there is a need to evolve tasks more than just context of the action, you have to incorporate more that allows us to replace our current task managers.

  • Flagged is like starred and it's a good thing.


  • Projects (in GTD) can be the note that incorporates it.


  • Tags is one of the missing things here and there are two ways to go about it:
  1. Show me the tags that the original note has, and I will change tags depending on the active action, but this does not help with different tasks that live on the same note.
  2. Or for tasks, there should be a new tag field, perhaps #home or !work that work on the line level. These tags should be autocomplete and be able to be filtered (even Microsoft To-Do has this).


  • Indent - I'm a bit skeptical about this because I can see it should be obvious when looking at a note that I should be able to nest the task at least one level. But it would add complexity for something that I'm not sure is worth the trouble.


  • Recurring - this is a must have to be able to replace current task managers.


  • Templates - the current use of templates could be expanded to add templates for tasks (like routines daily).


As it currently stands it cannot replace my task manager but I would love to be able to do so.



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