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(Archived) Isolating Tag Subdivisions:

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Can someone help me out here.

I imported about 1000 notes from 2.2.1 into beta3 using a tag structure like this

ALL NOTES (notebook)

Personal (no notes actually tagged "Personal" - this is only a "structural tag")




Professional (no notes actually tagged "Professional" - this is only a "structural tag")





How the heck can I carve out the PERSONAL notes from the PROFESSIONAL notes if I want to put each group into its own Notebook?


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Dear Barry

You ask

How the heck can I carve out the PERSONAL notes from the PROFESSIONAL notes if I want to put each group into its own Notebook?

Well quite simple.... YOU CANNOT!!!

First of all you must understand there is a bug or a sloppy design in the Tags.

A Only Structural Tag (meaning no notes with that tag) will always show you zip....meaning NOTHING.....at all....because they are not defined as hierarchical, they just look as if they were (very sloppy design otherwise its a big bug)

You could (with a little trick), have every tag containing notes selected below the PERSONAL tag, but It wouldn't help.... as you cannot shift-select or ctrl-select the notes to be transferred from one notebook to the other.... When you ctrl-click (or shift-click) the first note, IT WILL SIMPLY OPEN!!!!

So there is no way to do what you want....not even select some notes to print or whatever is possible in even the simplests PIMS available..... nonono....this is the Great Beta Three.....the incredible lector of labels and the most useless program on the market (until we get the new version were they probably will understand they are pulling our leg or putting their own finger in their own eyes....

I'm actually done with Betatesting and waiting for the new version to appear.... nothing serious can be done in Evernote Beta 3!!!

(Sad) Regards


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I would solve this on a practical level like this...

If the hierarchy you outlined is visible, "open" the containing tag. Click the first tag under it. Select all notes. Now do what you prefer: drag them to the parent tag and/or drag them to new notebook.

Another solution is using an extensive any search:

any: tag:Projects tag:Supplies tag:Personnel

If you prefer to keep the things together you can save such a search.

Thanks for both your posts and the replier's. Although I've been working daily with EN3 now for well over a week (2 weeks?) I wasn't completely aware of this behavior. Odd that it works this way but for me by no means a dealbreaker.

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I would solve this on a practical level like this...

If the hierarchy you outlined is visible, "open" the containing tag. Click the first tag under it. Select all notes. Now do what you prefer: drag them to the parent tag and/or drag them to new notebook.

Another solution is using an extensive any search:

any: tag:Projects tag:Supplies tag:Personnel

If you prefer to keep the things together you can save such a search.

Thanks for both your posts and the replier's. Although I've been working daily with EN3 now for well over a week (2 weeks?) I wasn't completely aware of this behavior. Odd that it works this way but for me by no means a dealbreaker.


You mean you would do an "extensive 'any:' search" with 4 or 5 hundred tags! Surely you jest. I would REALLY like to hear from the developers that this tremendously discouraging "feature/bug" will be addressed at some point in the future. I really don't care WHEN, only IF.


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Until then what you could do is to use the powers of EN2 to give all those items also the tag of the parental (structural) tag. Then export.

Or, again in EN2, export only the notes under the structural tag, import in 1 specific notebook. Repeat for other.

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Dear Wbroek,

A slight correction....

You CAN use your trick on the Windows Beta, it will work

YOU CANNOT use your trick on the WEB Beta, it is impossible.... (That is great, we got two versions working differently!!! Quite horrible!)

Secondly I insist on the fact that Only Structural Tag (no notes) show zip (zero)...that is horrible also...I have such tags called for example: Books or Business or Work or Medical or Family or Friends....... NOT WORKING.

This means effectively having to TYPE hundreds of tags in different searches etc....(only in Windows!)

Third: Saved searches like

any: tag:Ever tag:Day tag:Libr (using abreviations Ever for Evernote, Libr for Library) WORK in WINDOWS

IT WILL NOT WORK IN WEB as the Web system needs the whole words while Windows accepts abreviations...


Your solution will only work if you use only TAGS in the search and you don't add a word...if you do, unpredictable results will occur (and, by the way if you try it with a "-" before the word to have these records excluded, funnily enough, you might get more results instead of less!!!!!! Try it, it's fun to cry!!!!)


The hierarchical organization of the tags (that includes Only Structural Tags) is simply a disaster, it doesn't respond to clicks, shift or ctrl-clicks (Dengberg said it was to be corrected tho)

I don't know who tests the software in EN, but he should be fired....as the team of programmers in charge of the "Visible EN" in Windows, WEB and probably MAC for making such different systems which cannot talk one to the other as it will be misunderstood (case of saved search in windows not understood by WEB... or we admit abreviations, or we don't....in ALL and EVERY system)

It is a disaster, let's face it.... The early Beta is a show and that is all. Phil is spending a lot of money for a system that is crappy to say the least!!!!

Geeee, some years ago, this was a one man programming....it is a simlpe database, relational (tags are just keywords shown as tree, but there is no actual tree needed in the system, it is just a GUI clue for the user).

As is, it is a system a second year programmer student should construct in, say Delphi (you can mimick it in Access also but with no web clipping).... But If somebody has 6 millions to throw away....what can I say!!!

(Obviously I am speaking of the Evernote interface, tagging and searching, not about the AIR ANR etc...)

Instead of preparing the inclusion of voice, videos etc.... they should be sure and certain the BASIC system WORKS, and does it coherently in every OS and in the cloud.... They are facing disaster as people will not buy a system that has to be learned in its different versions (due to the differences), that must know in advance that some things will simply not be able to be done on some platforms.... (I am not using my Iphone to test the system as I have no tears left!!!)



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bthall - we intend to be able to support this use case, but as you've noted, there's no clean way to do this at this stage of the beta. The web UI permits you to get the union of tags, but no option for bulk operations yet. The Win32 UI allows you to do the bulk operations, but no tag union in the UI yet. We're addressing this issue from both sides. Thanks for your feedback.

Tom - I get the sense that you're not enjoying beta testing this software. If beta testing is frustrating, you may wish to just stick with the shipping 2.2.1 release.


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Tom - I get the sense that you're not enjoying beta testing this software. If beta testing is frustrating, you may wish to just stick with the shipping 2.2.1 release.Thanks

You should be happy there's somebody willing to push the envelope on the beta ;) After all, that's the purpose of beta testing :)

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You should be happy there's somebody willing to push the envelope on the beta ;) After all, that's the purpose of beta testing :)

Sure, I don't mean to discourage anyone from helping us to test. I just don't want anyone to feel that they're required to do so if they're perfectly happy with 2.2.1. Not everyone actually enjoys beta testing ... I personally tend to wait until the first official patch after a product is fully released before I bother trying it out (to let other people sort out the bugs first), but I've got plenty of friends who love trying the bleeding edge.

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bthall - we intend to be able to support this use case, but as you've noted, there's no clean way to do this at this stage of the beta. The web UI permits you to get the union of tags, but no option for bulk operations yet. The Win32 UI allows you to do the bulk operations, but no tag union in the UI yet. We're addressing this issue from both sides. Thanks for your feedback.

Tom - I get the sense that you're not enjoying beta testing this software. If beta testing is frustrating, you may wish to just stick with the shipping 2.2.1 release.



THANK YOU for your prompt response. I understand the trials and tribulations of both testing beta software, AND listening to the beta testers ***** . For me personally, I do find great solace in the fact that you will, at some reasonable time, address the terrible situation of having "Structural Only" Tabs. The WHEN, I understand, is difficult for you to be precise about. The mere fact that you do understand and acknowledge that the present status is unacceptable, is enough for me.


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I am a bit surprised a post of mine was submitted about 4 hours earlier and did not make it!!!!

I'll try to reproduce it here:

Dengberg wrote:

Tom - I get the sense that you're not enjoying beta testing this software. If beta testing is frustrating, you may wish to just stick with the shipping 2.2.1 release

Two statements here:

- stick with 2.2.1 which is obviously what I am doing as I have to keep on working...

- not enjoying beta testing this software. FALSE AND TRUE Why? Let me explain:

I LOVE beta testing.

I have been in the design and programming for 20 years? And in early years, indoor testing was quite enough. But the complexity of the systems has grown exponentially and, normally, a Beta is released after a FULL INDOOR TEST... If OK, then it goes out as Beta. And the reason is that there are different flavors of OS, maybe some problems with the presence of drivers in some brand of computers etc.... and that CANNOT be indoor tested. So it goes as BETA.

And Beta are fun as you have to push them to the limit!!!! Try to be imaginative, creative and make the software fall in a clever trap. And enjoy the feel of a new Beta as a new car...more power, more speed, better GUI, smarter interface etc.... but this is absolutely NOT the case of EN3

It does work in clouds? yes....badly but it does

It does work in Windows? yes.... poorly but it does

Does it work the same on the cloud and on Windows? NO.... two different things (not acceptable...should have been solved indoor!)

Is it smarter, more powerful, better GUI, smarter interface than its predecessor? NO to all 4. (that is a general claim and surprise)

Does it work smoothly? No (unacceptable)

Is it useful in any way, meaning truly useful? NO

Would I have released these Beta if I had the choice? NO, lack of testing. Too early stage, not usable etc. etc. etc.

Should I keep Betatesting it? YES because the flaws are.... surprising to say the least. And YES because it might make you kick some buttoms at EN's home.

C'mon..... this is really a shamy Beta. You cannot come and say that you have the new wonder that works on every platform, just needing some adjustments and will get to the level of 2.2.1 because it is simply accesible from any platform, but nothing else!!!! And it doesn't give the idea that, for instance, your tag system is even the same idea as 1.5!!!! It is worse!

That is useful for your company. It is not enough to make something that work-on-the-net. What you need to ensure first is that it will WORK !!!! That is why indoor testing. And if you don't have time (or emlpoyees) enough to make this indoor testing, STOP further stuf (like voice, video etc..) and make them rewrite, redesign what is faulty, missing, wrong or whatever. Then, with A SOLID BASE, you can keep on constructing.

Guys, you must realize that your Beta is really bad! You should have realized that before releasing the Beta. So its us, betatesters who have to tell you. And we do, that is our purpose. (Normally it is not like that, its the first time in my life I have to be so negative, but it is the Beta's fault!) When I tested version 2, i found some glitches and was happy to communicate them, and I always had a word of congratulations because the system was soo good!!!! (just review my messages!!!). I was stunned by a new program that was going to be my right hand!!!! (We still had no response to the uncategorized cat, but what the heck, i can live without it!).

I don't know, and am not asking, if you fired the guy behind 1.5 and 2.1 and 2.2 but I have the feeling you are rewriting everything from scratch but lacking the documentation of the original design! It is weird!

I probably won't get more involved with Beta 3 now( this one), because I know what I know (see above). So I'll wait for the new one, hoping that this time, you will release something that will make me feel good again. And I'll be happy to do so. Because I am waiting a better 2.2.1 to work on the web, with a good Windows standalone, working smoothly with the same good cloud system.... where I can travel without computer and still work as well as on mine from a different one... that is the whole point, or not?

In the meantime, I work on 2.2.1 and not with huge databases (as some have been said problematic above a certain size). It is my only restriction and I am happy.

By the way I sent time ago some comments about 2.2.1 to the "Report a problem"... no answers.

I hope you'll get the new Beta all right. Take your time, we are not in a hurry. And you guys, calm down... deep breathing and rework (perhaps from scratch some parts)... the idea is excellent, the politics are failing!

Be well


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