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PDF file added via "share" on android, never stops adding itself.

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Hi Team.  

I frequently add files, pdf's, and others to evernote via the share link on the android.  It seems that now, many times (I want to say every time) I open the android app it asks me to accept the file, again, and again, and again.  The attached image is of one file that has added itself three times tonight so far.  This is a common bug in my use.  Please tell me what I am doing wrong, or add it to the V10 bug log.  Thanks.



If this isn't where I report bugs, please direct me to the correct location.  Thanks.

  • Level 5

The forum is user to user.

To get contact with support, you can issue a ticket. Probably the same place as in the iOS client: Settings (Little gear wheel) , Support, Issue support ticket (Last menu item). Make sure to attach the activity log (little slider).

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