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I cannot change the name of a pdf imported from my Safari Browser

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During the Covid pandemic, publishers of the mainline refereed clinical research journals have permitted readers to download PDFs of Covid-related articles. Typically, using the Safari browser, Version 14.0.3 (15610., 15610) in macOS 10.15.7 (Catalina), I use the Print…>Save PDF to Evernote Command (Dropdown from the "File" menu to capture these documents in Evernote.

In the pre-Evernote 10 era, typically the new note would require me to create a note title, and I'd need to apply this or some other title to the embedded pdf as well. Sometimes my attempts to "update" the name of the pdf would not "stick," but in V. 10 that's seemed to work better—until today.


Browsing the web today I captured an article at the following URL <https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanres/article/PIIS2213-2600(21)00158-2/fulltext>. Neither the Evernote note nor the embedded PDF bore titles. I created one for the Note, but when I tried to apply that to the PDF by copying the note title, selecting "Rename" from the Control-click dropdown, pasting in the name of the Evernote note in the resulting "Rename File" dialog, and clicking "update" to close the dialog, the PDF name does not change from "unnamed document.pdf"

The note otherwise behaves as it should. I can apply tags, and the note is fully searchable either within Evernote or when opened in Preview.app by clicking on the pdf icon in the upper right corner of the note window. One other oddity, however: usually, notes containing pdfs created using this workflow acquire a posterized view of the first page of the note in the "Notes" browser and on the Evernote "Home" view, but that is not the case for this particular note.

I think this is the first pdf I've captured from this particular journal from beginning use of Evernote 10. I have no idea whether that's relevant to this report..

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