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Acquiring Activity Logs for Support Tickets (Mac)

Shane D.


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Hi All,

To send an activity log for Evernote for Mac, please follow these steps:

1. Open the Evernote app and sync your account
2. Go to **Help > Activity Log...** from the menu bar
3. Click Save As to save the log as a file on your computer
4. Attach the saved log file 

If you are unable to open the Evernote app, you can follow these steps:

1. Minimize all applications
2. Open the Finder app and select Go > Go to Folder from the menu bar
3. Copy each of the following lines separately into the 'Go to the folder' field (one or both may work), then click Go:
     * ~/Library/Application Support/com.evernote.Evernote/logs/
     * ~/Library/Containers/com.evernote.Evernote/Data/Library/Application Support/com.evernote.Evernote/logs/
     * ~/Library⁩/⁨Group Containers⁩/Q79WDW8YH9.com.evernote.Evernote⁩/CoreNote⁩/accounts⁩/ ⁨www.evernote.com/
4. Attach all the log files (.log)

The activity log contains a detailed log of steps that Evernote performs and is helpful for diagnosing the problem you may be experiencing. The activity log also contains information about your account, your device, and your location information (if enabled). The titles of your notes, tags, notebooks, attached files, and, if your account was having network syncing errors, some of your note content, may also be contained in the activity log. You may edit the log file to remove anything you do not want to send us. We treat activity log data as confidential information, and the terms of our Privacy Policy apply.


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