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(Archived) Handwritten notes in PDF searched?

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Hi all,

I've got a premium account, and I got it specifically because I wanted to be able to search PDF files that I scan in with handwritten notes - I wanted to use Evernote to be able to search through my lecture notes and homeworks for classes, etc. I tried searching for a phrase I know exists in my notes and got nothing. (I created the note w/ Evernote 4 on Windows, then waited for a day and tried searching. No dice.) Is my handwriting that bad [don't think so], are handwritten PDFs not searchable [i thought Evernote could search handwriting and through PDFs] or what? Is there something else I need to do before my handwritten notes get searched?

Thanks for the help.

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Actually I also came across this problem before. :-? :-x Spent ages scanning in some handwritten notes, and then found out that the image was unsearchable. (Originally the image was scanned into as a PDF, but I converted it to a JPEG through Preview.)

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