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Need to delete all Tags at once for a clear start

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Good day !

I was at Evernote years ago with many many notes. Then i had to switch to MS Notes and i deleted all my Evernote Notes. Now i want to come back with a full and new clear start with Evernote. The only Problem i have are many many many Tags. I started to delete them one by one, but this is a work for weeks or even months. May i ask you to reset my whole Account. I can't just use another Email or another account, because i have paid for a year. Is there a possibility to delete all my Tags at once ? Thanks!


  • Level 5*

Hi.  You don't say what device you're using or whether your access is via the web client.  If you have access on a desktop,  is it not possible to multi-select tags to delete on the Tags  View?  If not,  you could consider installing the Legacy client where that should be possible.

I'm actually running two tag systems side-by-side myself to 'streamline' the process (I hope) - one series simply uses an 'x-tag';  I prefix each tag word with an 'x',  as in xWork and xHome.  The other used unprefixed terms.

Sadly we can't help you out with the mass reset - this is (mainly) a user-supported forum.  I doubt Support would assist either - Evernote don't generally mess with individual accounts directly - but you're welcome to contact them to ask.  https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new


i found out, on Desktop (the newest Version) i can just right Click to get a PopUp and there i can choose DELETE TAG and the following Message (Do you really want to delete this Tag)  i can close by pressing Enter. And it's done. This is the fastest way! I think i can delete all Tags in 1 - 3 Hours. It's much faster than via Web or App.  I think i will proceed this way ! Thank you!

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