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Legacy is not really legacy?

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After trying v10 on windows I realized that it would not suit my needs so I reinstalled "legacy" instead.  However, I do not think that the legacy version is as good as the version that I used before (and the one that I am currently using at home).  Is anyone aware of a way to re-install an actual older version rather than "legacy".  I'm not sure why but I get the distinct impression that Legacy is slower and clunkier than what it replaced.

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The legacy version available currently is the same as it would have been prior to you trying the newer v10 app. It may be sluggish if you have instances of the newer version still hogging space though. I'm on a Mac so I can't confirm for sure on Windows, but I know that when I went back to legacy for a bit, I had to find all the Evernote related items on my hard drive and delete them. I had ended up with a double use of space. Once I did that, it sped up and was fine. Might be the same issue on Windows.

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Thanks for your response.  You're correct in that it seems very close to 6.25.1 but somehow the other one just works better.  Perhaps I'm imagining but the legacy version simply lags longer and more often, and very often gives a message about being "unresponsive" or something like that.  Thank heavens it's still way, way better than v10.0 but somehow not quite as good as what was there before.

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