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(Archived) Tip sending photos to Evernote

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I use picasa to export my photos to evernote and then they are deleted from the folder. This way I dont have duplicates on my computer, I am able to easily transfer photos into evernote, I then relabel the folder in Picasa by putting s2e on the end of the folder to show me I have sent it 2 evernote thus s2e. This keeps all my pictures in the My Pictures folder and lets me see at a glance what photos have been sent.

A little more info on sending photos from Picasa to Evernote.

Select the pictures you want to send in Picasa

Then at the bottom of Picasa screen, select Export

The really nice thing here is you can choose to keep original size or resize all photos, I use the 640 size option so it does not take up so much space and if I want to print the note, the pic is not so big.

Then just send them.

I have a folder set up that automatically imports the files and I have set it to delete the files after import.

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