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Collapsible toggle list in evernote notes



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I registered here just to make a comment. I've been on Evernote Premium since 2015 and taken thousands of notes. It is really mind boggling how this has not yet been implemented as it seems to be such an easy to do and integral feature. Ability to collapse large bodies of text or even files would complete Evernote for me. 

This feature alone made me shift some of my productivity efforts to Notion and ClickUp more recently and I keep looking for alternatives just because it's so frustrating to scroll through massive amounts of text/tables/files to see the main sections of the note. ClickUp does this decently well and Notion is also a good contender. I still prefer Evernote as my main place for notes and many other things just mostly due to habit I guess. How hard is it to add this? Seen the thread since 2011 with tons of upvotes. Honestly, makes me think Evernote team just ignores their users wishes which is sad to see when apps like ClickUp add tens of updates weekly based off user feedback. 

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2 hours ago, atb said:

Yes exactly! Or does this already exists in Evernote?? I thought only a normal toggle list (non collapsible) was possible... 

You are not alone. many of us would like to see collapsible sections added to Evernote. Workflowy is a nice app and would give you an immediate work around if you need that ability now, but it requires you to store notes in two apps and search both unless you go through the bother of exporting one and storing it into the other.

IMO this is a more useful feature than the recently added cross out list feature, and Evernote went through the time and effort to add that. Including this should be considered also.  This is becoming a standard feature in Evernote‘a competitive space.

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Registered only to leave a comment. If anything - google translate. I am a premium user of Evernote. And I seriously thought about moving to notion just because of the unfolding lists. Like spoilers. I think this feature is added at the click of a finger. If the programmers are smart. Therefore, Evernote, urgently finish this feature !!!

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On 1/10/2021 at 10:38 PM, calutiya said:

Registered only to leave a comment. If anything - google translate. I am a premium user of Evernote. And I seriously thought about moving to notion just because of the unfolding lists. Like spoilers. I think this feature is added at the click of a finger. If the programmers are smart. Therefore, Evernote, urgently finish this feature !!!

Totally agree on this one. I am a premium member for years, and I have collected thousands of notes. In my work I want to be able to search through them quickly,  attach every type of document (pdf, ppt etc) but also want to have a clear overview of each note via collapsible toggles. I think evernote should really put more effort into improving its hierarchical structure outside and inside a note, in order to keep up with the user- friendliness of its competitors. 

Of course you could suggest that there are other apps on the market for this feature, but I find that for example an app like  Notion does not have the capability of searching as quickly as evernote does, and also this app cannot store all type of documents. 
And ofcourse, I would really like to stay with evernote after all those years, but workflows are evolving... 


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Oh my goodness. Yes. 1000%. I like evernote, but having to switch over to another app (which is most of them at this point) that does toggle lists is super annoying. PLEASE IMPLEMENT THIS FEATURE SO I CAN DITCH THESE OTHER APPS COMPLETELY! 

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26 minutes ago, s2sailor said:

Workflowy is a work around and its existence is not a valid reason to suggest that Evernote not consider adding this feature.


26 minutes ago, s2sailor said:

We are going to have to agree to disagree on this one.

Fair comment - but I reserve the right to request MindMap layouts, Trello boards and Visio diagrams, plus formula scripts, spreadsheets, presentation options and e-book reading too...

31 minutes ago, s2sailor said:

Can a Workflowy file be attached to an Evernote and be searchable?

Nope - but it's super-easy to embed a link to the actual text in a Note (with access options like read only if you want to share) and copy/ paste the finished layout into Evernote for indexing.  See https://workflowy.com/s/help/4KzavO0VGYdhp7RS

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This discussion under the Windows Requests forums is a duplicate of this long-standing feature request that has 627 "votes" and has been hanging around since 2011.

I am in the camp with @s2sailor and can't see any logical reason why a user of Evernote would be opposed to this.  I see them working very similar to the new "draggable" blocks in the editor, but allowing the option to collapse them.  Another alternative way this could be implemented would be to add another element to the "Insert" (Blue +) for a collapsable section.  Similar to adding a code block, you could highlight the section you want to make part of a collapsable section and add the block from the insert menu to provide a section of content that can be expanded or collapsed... ideally when collapsed it would display the first line of the text within the section. 

While it may be delusional thinking since this has been on the wish list since 2011... but I remain optimistic that this is one of the big features on the roadmap for post-v10.  However, the fact that it was not added to the editor with highlighters, check lists, etc. seems to suggest that this may be incompatible with the old editors... meaning that maybe it will be hung up until they get everyone off of the legacy versions.  And there are a LOT of other more pressing items they need to address before they can phase out the legacy apps... so this may still be a long way off.

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Yep - original discussion is here:  PLEASE VOTE THERE if you wish to support this...  (I'll leave others to decide whether to merge the two since it's up to 6 pages so far...)


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I am in the camp of using Evernote for years.  Would love  collapsible feature.  I rarely search forums but was looking for any insight if they are available or coming.   I would find significant more utility for Evernote if they were implemented. 

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I became a EN paying user last year, and my notes are quickly ballooning and becoming unwieldy. I NEED that collapsible feature, and this is the one reason I am now starting to shop around competing note-taking apps like Notion and Obsidian.

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+1 for this feature for me as well.  I am another long time user off and on over the years and when I recently came back to it, I was surprised to find that this still was not an option.  I really hope they decide to add it in.  Thank you!

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+1 for toggles in Evernote.

I use Workflowy and Notion. The most useful feature in both of these Apps in my opinion is toogles. Toogles encourage building a single comprehensive note on a topic. Toogles would help Evernote transition from an excellent resource manager to an excellent and modern note taking application. The other thing that will help this transition (announced but not yet released by Evernote) is a quick way to create links (and hopefully backlinks) by drag and drop between notes. 

For students (and we're all lifelong students), toggles are great flashcard alternative (think RemNote without spaced repetition). 

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On 1/7/2021 at 11:37 AM, atb said:

Hey Evernote,

I really would like a collapsible toggle list (like a toggle list in Notion). That would give a lot more structure in making notes! 

Is there something like this coming up in future versions? 


Definitely! It would be easy to implement and add significant value to the app.

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On 1/7/2021 at 5:37 PM, atb said:

I really would like a collapsible toggle list (like a toggle list in Notion). That would give a lot more structure in making notes!


With the drastic price increase in the last momth, we can hope to get this feature finally.

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I've been an avid Evernote user with thousands of notes to my name. I'd love to see this feature! Collapsible toggle list for items/tasks would make navigating notes with multiple lists much more fluid and efficient.

I've been exploring Notion and Workflowy as alternatives, but I'm wary about the transition, given my vast collection of notes and links.
I genuinely value Evernote and feel that some enhancements, especially considering the recent price bump, would keep it at the top of its game compared to competitors. 

Hopefully Evernote staff prioritizes this. 

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6 hours ago, notesandboats said:

I've been exploring Notion and Workflowy as alternatives

Hi.  I currently use Workflowy for collapsible lists,  and find that I can jump seamlessly from one app to the other with note links (EN) and internal links (WF).  Workflowy has this,  and some other advantages over Evernote,  but sucks when it comes to embedded document files.  So Evernote is my 'bulk' long-term storage and WF is a combination index and temporary notepad.  (It's also where I keep my boiler-plate answers to Evernote queries to avoid problems if my Evernote is down!)

I don't know why Evernote hasn't added this feature - I'm sure the old team had their reasons (or other priorities) but the new owners of Evernote have only had some months to get to grips with some issues,  and I'm sure they will look at this again - just not yet...

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Hello Evernote team, 

In the past, I've really struggled to keep my virtual notes organized. Thanks to Evernote, that's no longer the case. 

I've become a huge fan and an avid user. 

Like others, I do believe that adding a collapsible list/content feature would be a massive benefit!

Thanks for the consideration. 


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Wow this Thread has been ongoing for about 2 years now.

I have started using Evernote heavily since the beginning of the year and believe this feature would significantly improve organising my notes. The more notes I collect, the more I need to neatly organise them.

Fingers Crossed that the Evernote Team reads these comments and requests.


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39 minutes ago, atb said:

Yes exactly! Or does this already exists in Evernote?? I thought only a normal toggle list (non collapsible) was possible... 

My point was that fully-featured note list apps already exist, and are quite easy to use - why should Evernote spend a great deal of time, effort and testing on shoe-horning something into Evernote and changing the menus (again) that a stand-alone app will always be better for?  And before you add that it's better to have the whole process in one app than have to shift to another - what about mind-maps / spreadsheets / databases / image editors / email clients etc etc...  we all use several apps during the day and what brings them all together is the device you use them on.

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3 hours ago, s2sailor said:

IMO this is a more useful feature than the recently added cross out list feature

Maybe we should have a vote-off between competing bells & whistles - but if one gets added,  then another... you're eventually going to have to choose between dozens of bloat-adding features that slow everything down.  IMO being able to work in another app is better - I can install my preferences and just use those;  you can install yours.. and neither choices affect how well or how slowly Evernote operates!

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18 minutes ago, gazumped said:

Maybe we should have a vote-off between competing bells & whistles

The vote button is at the upper left corner of the discussion

>>IMO being able to work in another app is better    

Agreed; a note can contain files of any format; word processing, spreadsheets, images, ...

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1 hour ago, gazumped said:

IMO being able to work in another app is better

IMO not when it requires storing notes in a separate app and then searching both to find what you need.  Workflowy is a work around and its existence is not a valid reason to suggest that Evernote not consider adding this feature. We are going to have to agree to disagree on this one.

1 hour ago, DTLow said:

Agreed; a note can contain files of any format; word processing, spreadsheets, images, ...

I agree with this in general, when the attached files are searchable.  Can a Workflowy file be attached to an Evernote and be searchable?  I don't think so, but I have not tried.

1 hour ago, DTLow said:

The vote button is at the upper left corner of the discussion

I would suggest merging this with the older thread.  I voted that one up years ago.

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8 minutes ago, gazumped said:

Fair comment - but I reserve the right to request MindMap layouts, Trello boards and Visio diagrams, plus formula scripts, spreadsheets, presentation options and e-book reading too...

Sure, have at it, but, and we have had this discussion before, I think those examples are apples and oranges.  Both Evernote and Workflowy can be considered note apps with different features.  I'm suggesting that a feature Workflowy has be implemented in Evernote. 

11 minutes ago, gazumped said:

Nope - but it's super-easy to embed a link to the actual text in a Note (with access options like read only if you want to share) and copy/ paste the finished layout into Evernote for indexing.  See https://workflowy.com/s/help/4KzavO0VGYdhp7RS

Links are useful, but I still have to go to the other app to search.  I think it makes more sense to suggest Word as a workaround.  At least that file can be attached and searched by Evernote.

15 minutes ago, aukirk said:

However, the fact that it was not added to the editor with highlighters, check lists, etc. seems to suggest that this may be incompatible with the old editors... meaning that maybe it will be hung up until they get everyone off of the legacy versions.  And there are a LOT of other more pressing items they need to address before they can phase out the legacy apps... so this may still be a long way off.


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While I still hope that Evernote adds collapsable sections... I am blown away by Workflowy.... off to search on how power Evernote users integrate.  Would love to hear more about workflows between Workflowy and Evernote if anyone has any links... otherwise, hopefully I will find them shortly in my search

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2 hours ago, aukirk said:

Would love to hear more about workflows between Workflowy and Evernote

Don't know if there are specific links - my use case is kind've specific in that I have 50,000+ notes and around 300 notebooks and lots of rules about which note goes where.  My family are not overly technical or organised and if it should happen that I'm not around to explain where (forinstance) the user guide for the continuum transfunctioner is filed,  they probably would never find it. 

So the names of all my notebooks are in Workflowy,  with explanations of what goes in there.  It's a full 'family user' guide (which is easier to access) with links to notebooks like |UserGuides which lives in Evernote.  Likewise I have a long list (50 or so) of twitter tags for a website I help administer which is easier to edit and copy from in WF - under the notebook name of that particular project.

If you are planning to use WF to any great extent you should have a look at WFx* -which adds shortcuts and keystroke commands- plus there are various apps that are available - including a clipper.

* Wfx Chrome - https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/wfx-for-workflowy/jbehgpdjkcconnaagjhddddfdajbpfhi

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15 hours ago, atb said:

I think evernote should really put more effort into improving its hierarchical structure outside and inside a note,

I agree that it would be useful to have the collapsible structure within the note. What do you want to see outside a note? For me the tag hierarchy (which now, for the first time, works across all platforms) gives me an infinitely flexible hierarchy outside of the individual note.

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On 1/18/2021 at 1:31 PM, Mike P said:

I agree that it would be useful to have the collapsible structure within the note. What do you want to see outside a note? For me the tag hierarchy (which now, for the first time, works across all platforms) gives me an infinitely flexible hierarchy outside of the individual note.

Yes, in the last couple of days I improved my tags, and you are right, that is very flexible indeed. Now let's hope that we can overview long notes in the future at a glance via a collapsible structure within the note! 

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To build something like flash cards, you can use 2 notes: One with a question, one with the answer.

Both connected by a link, and you need to manually flip a tag to be able to sort out the cards that have been answered correctly the appropriate number of repetitions.

To navigate everything, a TOC note can be added, holding the links to the question-cards.

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Or very simple: GoodNotes 5 has a build in Flashcards feature. 


It comes with the additional benefit that the cards are created writing with the hand - studies show that the human memory is supported by the manual process of handwriting. It seems the muscle memory helps with memorizing stuff.

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GoodNotes 5 has that feature (still declared beta, but working). You could use it for the active part. When done, export your cards as a pdf to EN for storage and maybe later reference.

 I have read somewhere that it helps with learning to create the cards writing by hand.

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Collapsible Toggle list functionality in Evernote (like Toggle lists in Notion) is a killer idea.  That would even prompt me to stop using Evernote Legacy if the newest version of Evernote had this tremendously useful feature.

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On 8/28/2022 at 12:52 AM, Saiyan21 said:

Agreed, this is such an important feature for heavy users. Hope developers listen and implement this! I might consider switching to workflowy for that feature. Thanks for the suggestion!

Workflowy has an excellent search feature and is ideal for lists and links.  I use it alongside Evernote and various cloud drives which do the heavy lifting of file and document storage.  (WF can't show inline content - yet)

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There's rarely any need to announce your departure but even less value in announcing that you aren't signing up.

Well done for knowing what you need and being able to clarify that Evernote isn't for you.

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I know I have this marvelous girlfriend. She’s just around the corner ….

Oh, she’s not there. Gosh, in fact she’s never been there, ever. But I expected if I peek around the corner THIS time, she would …

Oh, now I’m disappointed. I don’t know her name or have her number, but I will rent a billboard. And there I will write in CAPITAL letters I am not going to date her any more …

I am soooo disappointed 😢 

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4 minutes ago, _01fredrik said:

It would be easy to implement

<Sigh> No,  it would not,  given Evernote's 20-year history with a different strategy - otherwise I think they'd already have done it.

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@Frédéric Sagaer Thanks for your contributions today.  I think the point is that we hear monthly, if not more often, that such and such function "...would be easy to implement." However, whilst it easy to say and describe, implementing often carries lots of unwanted complexity. If it was easy then Evernote would probably have done it already.

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10 minutes ago, Frédéric Sagaer said:

I don't get your point... As a 12 years Evernote fan, I confirm that Evernote is only missing 4 main features to remain on the top of it's category

If you mean my point - I don't dispute that Evernote doesn't (currently) 'do' any of that, but asking them to add some features is like asking Lego to make the bricks smoother - they were designed with bumps for what seemed excellent reasons at the time and everything in the design and production pipeline is making use of that feature.  If you change that one aspect you basically have to redesign the whole thing from the ground up - again.

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4 hours ago, Frédéric Sagaer said:

I don't get your point... As a 12 years Evernote fan, I confirm that Evernote is only missing 4 main features to remain on the top of it's category :

(1) Toggle lists
(2) Formulas in tables
(3) "/" commands (or menus)
(4) Easyer back links

  1. Would be handy
  2. Don't need it
  3. Don't need (or want) it
  4. A couple of months ago there were no backlinks; now that they're here maybe they'll get better; but they seem pretty easy already

IOW, what seem like main features to one person may seem unnecessary side-tracks to another. IMHO--which (IMHO) ought to be prefixed to every statement about what Evernote "needs" to do to get it right.

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18 minutes ago, NWEvern said:

What are you waiting to add this feature Evernote developers and product managers ?

Really no double posts please...  I answered here 

-and we're mainly users in the Forums.  Feedback via the mobile apps or Support to talk to Evernote - but I'd guess the answer will be "maybe".

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Yeah, this needs to happen. My employer requires me to use Notion to collaborate with coworkers and building toggle lists there then coming back to Evernote for my personal organization without the ability really sucks. Things get too long too fast.

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Thank you, Frédéric and Evernote.  I'm not sure how I missed this as I review the release notes for each upgrade - patiently waiting for years for this...  I'm not sure what to do now :D  (edit: looks like only the top level can be collapsed, but that's still a huge benefit)

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2 hours ago, kguske said:

(edit: looks like only the top level can be collapsed, but that's still a huge benefit)

I might not be understanding exactly what you meant by that, but if I'm understanding correctly, then I'm not sure that's accurate:


When collapsed, Header 2A will hide it's content and any sub-headers under it until it reaches an equal or greater header or a divider:



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As far as I can see multiple Large headers can hide content with individual Medium and Small headers right on up to the maximum note size limit.  The only drawback may be in display speed,  though that was,  I believe,  under review...  (Huge notes are slower than small notes)

-And with the usual caveat that having all your intellectual eggs in one basket can be risky...

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