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Granting my family access to Evernote upon my (someday) death



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Set up a will, defining somebody to take care of your digital heritage. And enable him to do it, a password manager plus a nice description of what is where and what to do should do.

Create a physical folder with printed information about everything, including master password and 2FA emergency codes.

There may be a legal side to it as well, and each provider may have own rules on it (Facebook does).

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Just got myself an Apple Watch, which (hopefully) will call emergency when I am not able to do it, and (more hopefully) when it is still time to do something on what caused the call.

On the legal side: We had a court case here in Germany (based on the European  privacy laws); parents who wanted to get access to their teenage daughter’s FB account. The daughter had committed suicide, and they wanted to check for cybermobbing.

No way, the court decided, not because they did not understand the parents, but because of the impact on others. Theses had communicated with the daughter, and could trust in this communication be confidential when in the private FB stream. 

So to open the account a court order would be necessary, and the people opening it would be the police, not the parents.

Lesson learned: The confidential character of parts of the digital heritage should be taken into account when setting up the will.

We searched and got legal advise when we set up ours.

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On 11/24/2020 at 11:42 PM, Carter62 said:

I would like my family to be able to access my Evernote notes when I die. I'm 58 years old and in good health, so I hope that is many years in the future; just thinking ahead. How does that work?

Evernote has no support for "after death" access

For myself, I've prepared an email that specifies access details like userid/password    
I"ve implemented a script on my Mac that triggers if my daily journal notes in Evernote haven't updated in n days;
day 1-3 email to myself, day 4-5 email to family, day 6 final email to family   
There are third party Dead Man's Switch services that perform a similar function

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