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Why limit our thinking to one app?

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Note taking apps all have their strengths and weaknesses which is good as everybody can find something but nobody will find the perfect app. We settle rather for the best fit. 

There is no reason accept the deficits of an app when it has in API. An API opens the door for the enterprising to create functionality to compliment that of the app. Many have done this and provide the function to others as apps in their own right. 

Imagine workflow where you are a researching from many different sources. This may be for a client, academic work or as a student. The reading volume is very large and only a small amount of it is useful for what you are to write so that the task is to capture these highlights in a single location with links back to the original should the highlight become important or require further investigation. This process can go on for hours, days, weeks and even months depending on the scope of the work. A web post of just a few hundred works requires considerably less work. The workflow should be scalable so that it can grow to complete the task. Memory is a poor substitute. 

  • Web research is aided by Instapaper - a competitor to pocket. Capture the web page in the browser with a click and read later. Highlight what is relevant. The Instapaper API then lets you connect it to everything else. 
  • Kindle is well known but less so is that the highlights from the kindle are available on Kindle Cloud Reader. Whisper synchronise the book markets between Kindle and Audible. The newer Kindles play Audible files via Bluetooth. 
  • Readwise is an integration and less an app that will synchronise Instapaper and Kindle Cloud with Notion, Evernote or Roam. 

The strength of Evernote and Notion should not be seen as just the app itself with its limitations but rather how they are the trunk of a tree with many branches that draw information in from many other apps. Evernote and Notion allow you to create your own ecosystem. 

If you think it this way then the choice of note taking app has far less to do with the function it has and the UI, although a minimum functionality is required but rather, as an enabler to gather information from and share to the best of apps for niche functions. These niche functions may never be made available in Evernote but it does not matter as they are available now in another app. 

Seen in this way then we choose an app for the trunk of our tree which is many branches, through a public API, integrations, and iframes. Evernote and Notion are well suited for this purpose. 

New apps are popping up all the time that can work with Evernote and Notion in this way. IFTTT Is not new but a good example. It will copy your highlights from Instapaper to Evernote better than Readwise and can do much more besides. Read more here: https://ifttt.com/

What other apps do you use with Evernote?

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>What other apps do you use with Evernote?

Evernote is my storage and organization tool   
The integrated editor is useful for basic notes     
I use Apple Pages for word processing    
Apple Numbers for spreadsheets     
Notability for note taking on an iPad    
The documents are stored in Evernote as note attachment files

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